
CALL - Execute one batch file from another

 Purpose:    Execute one batch file from within another. 
 Format:     CALL [/Q] file 
             file :  The batch file to execute. 
 See also:  CANCEL and QUIT. 
 CALL allows batch files to call other batch files (batch file nesting). 
  The calling batch file is suspended while the called (second) batch file 
 runs.  When the second batch file finishes, the original batch file 
 resumes execution at the next command.  If you execute a batch file from 
 inside another batch file without using CALL, the first batch file is 
 terminated before the second one starts. 
 The following batch file fragment compares an input line to "wp" and 
 calls another batch file if it matches: 

         input  Enter your choice:  %%option
         if "%option" == "wp" call wp.bat
 CMD.EXE supports batch file nesting up to ten levels deep. 
 The current ECHO state is inherited by a called batch file, except when 
 the /Q. 
 The called batch file should always either return (by executing its last 
 line, or using the QUIT command), or terminate batch file processing with 
 CANCEL.  Do not restart or CALL the original batch file from within the 
 called file as this may cause an infinite loop or a stack overflow. 
 CALL returns an exit code which matches the batch file return code. You 
 can test this exit code with the %_? or %? environment variable, and use 
 it with conditional commands. 
    /Q:     (Quiet) Starts the new batch file with echo off, regardless of 
            the current batch file's echo state.  This switch is provided 
            for compatibility with OS/2's CMD.EXE. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs