
DPATH - Set the data search path

 Purpose:    Specify the subdirectories which applications will search to 
             find files that are not in the current directory. 
 Format:     DPATH [directory [;directory... ]] 
             directory :  The full name of a directory to include in the 
             DPATH (data path) setting. 
 See also:  PATH, SET, and ESET. 
 When most OS/2 applications try to open a data file, they look for the 
 file in the current directory first.  If they fail to find the file 
 there, they may search each of the directories in the DPATH setting in 
 the order that they are included.  Internal commands like TYPE do not 
 search the DPATH directories for files. 
 For example, the following DPATH command directs applications to look for 
 files in this order:  the current directory, the INIT directory on C, and 
 the CONFIG directory on D: 

         [c:\] dpath c:\init;d:\config
 The listing of directories to be searched can be set or viewed with 
 DPATH.  The list is stored as an environment string with the variable 
 name DPATH, and can also be set or viewed with the SET command and edited 
 with the ESET command. 
 Directory names in the DPATH must be separated with semicolons [;]. 
  CMD.EXE will not shift directory names in the DPATH to upper case as it 
 does with those in the PATH setting.  If you want the names in the DPATH 
 to be in upper case you must enter them that way. 
 If you enter DPATH with no parameters, CMD.EXE displays the current DPATH 
 search list. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs