
DRAWHLINE - Draw a horizontal line

 Purpose:    Draw a horizontal line on the screen. 
 Format:     DRAWHLINE row column len style [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON 
             [BRIght] bg 
             row :  Starting row 
             column :  Starting column 
             len :  Length of line 
             style :  Line drawing style: 
                    1     Single line 
                    2     Double line 
             fg :  Foreground character color 
             bg :  Background character color 
 See also:  DRAWBOX and DRAWVLINE. 
 DRAWHLINE is useful for creating attractive screen displays in batch 
 files.  It detects other lines and boxes on the display, and creates the 
 appropriate connector characters when possible (not all types of lines 
 can be connected with the available characters). 
 For example, the following command draws a double line along the top row 
 of the display with green characters on a blue background: 

         drawhline 0 0 80 2 green on blue
 The row and column values are zero-based, so on a standard 25 line by 80 
 column display, valid rows are 0 - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79. 
  DRAWHLINE checks for a valid row and column, and displays a "Usage" 
 error message if either value is out of range. 
 See Colors and Color Names for details about colors and notes on the use 
 of bright background colors. 
 DRAWHLINE uses the standard line and box drawing characters in the U.S. 
 English extended ASCII character set.  If your system is configured for a 
 different country or language, or a font which does not include these 
 characters, the box may not appear on your screen as you expect. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs