
TIMER - Start or stop a stopwatch

 Purpose:    TIMER is a system stopwatch. 
 Format:     TIMER [ON] [/1 /2 /3 /S] 
             ON :  Force the stopwatch to restart. 
             /1 (stopwatch #1)               /3 (stopwatch #3) 
             /2 (stopwatch #2)               /S(plit) 
 The TIMER command turns a system stopwatch on and off.  When you first 
 run TIMER, the stopwatch starts: 

         [c:\] timer
         Timer 1 on:  12:21:46
 When you run TIMER again, the stopwatch stops and the elapsed time is 

         [c:\] timer
         Timer 1 off:  12:21:58   Elapsed time: 0:00:12.06
 There are three stopwatches available (1, 2, and 3) so you can time 
 multiple overlapping events.  By default, TIMER uses stopwatch #1. 
 The smallest interval TIMER can measure depends on the operating system 
 you are using, your hardware, and the interaction between the two. 
  However, it should never be greater than .06 second.  The largest 
 interval is 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds. 
    /1:     Use timer #1 (the default). 
    /2:     Use timer #2. 
    /3:     Use timer #3. 
    /S:     (Split) Display a split time without stopping the timer.  To 
            display the current elapsed time but leave the timer running: 

                    [c:\] timer /s
                    Timer 1 elapsed: 0:06:40.63
    ON:     Start the timer regardless of its previous state (on or off). 
             Otherwise the TIMER command toggles the timer state (unless 
            /S is used). 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs