
VERIFY - Enable or disable disk write verification

 Purpose:    Enable or disable disk write verification or display the 
             verification state. 
 Format:     VERIFY [ON | OFF] 
 OS/2 maintains an internal verify flag.  When the flag is on, OS/2 
 attempts to verify each disk write by making sure that the data written 
 to the disk can be read back successfully into the computer.  It does not 
 compare the data in memory with the data actually placed on disk to fully 
 verify the disk write process. 
 If used without any parameters, VERIFY will display the state of the 
 verify flag: 

         [c:\] verify
         VERIFY is OFF
 VERIFY is off when the system boots up.  Once it is turned on with the 
 VERIFY ON command, it stays on until you use the VERIFY OFF command or 
 until you reboot. 
 Verification will slow your disk write operations slightly (the effect is 
 not usually noticeable). 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs