
Y - "Y" pipe fitting

 Purpose:    Copy standard input to standard output, and then copy the 
             specified file(s) to standard output. 
 Format:     Y file ... 
             file :  The file or list of files to send to standard output. 
 See also:  TEE. 
 The Y command copies input from standard input (usually the keyboard) to 
 standard output (usually the screen).  Once the input ends, the named 
 files are appended to standard output. 
 For example, to get text from standard input, append the files MEMO1 and 
 MEMO2 to it, and send the output to MEMOS : 

         [c:\] y memo1 memo2 > memos
 The Y command is most useful if you want to add redirected data to the 
 beginning of a file instead of appending it to the end.  For example, 
 this command copies the output of DIR, followed by the contents of  the 
 file DIREND, to the file DIRALL: 

         [c:\] dir | y dirend > dirall
 If you are typing at the keyboard to produce input text for Y, you must 
 enter a Ctrl-Z to terminate the input. 
 When using Y with a pipe you must take into account that the programs on 
 the two ends of the pipe run simultaneously, not sequentially. 
 See Piping for more information. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs