
PopupWinLeft, PopupWinTop, PopupWinWidth, PopupWinHeight

PopupWinLeft = nnnn, PopupWinTop = nnnn, PopupWinWidth = nnnn, 
PopupWinHeight = nnnn:  These values set the position and size of the 
command-line, directory history, and filename completion windows, and most 
other popup windows (see CDDWinLeft etc. for the extended directory search 
window).  The values are in characters, and include the border.  The 
defaults are 40, 1, 36, and 12, respectively (i.e., a window beginning in 
column 40, row 1, 36 columns wide and 12 rows high).  The position is 
relative to the top left corner of the screen.  The width and height 
values include the space required for the window border. 
The window cannot be smaller than than 10 columns wide by 5 rows high 
(including the border).  The values you enter will be adjusted if 
necessary to keep a minimum-size window visible on the screen. 
The window is normally displayed with a shadow, but if you specify a 
window starting at column 0 and extending to the right margin, the shadow 
is eliminated; this may be useful to prevent speech software from reading 
text in the shadow area while viewing the window. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs