
FSH_WILDMATCH - Match using OS/2 wildcards

This function provides the mechanism for using OS/2 wildcard semantics to 
form a match between an input string and a pattern, taking into account 
DBCS considerations. 
Calling Sequence   

int far pascal FSH_WILDMATCH(pPat, pStr)

char far * pPat;
char far * pStr;

pPat is the pointer to an ASCIIZ pattern string. Wildcards are present and 
are interpreted as described below. 
ppStr is the pointer to the test string. 
If no error is detected, a zero error code is returned. If an error is 
detected, the following error code is returned: 
the wildcard match failed. 
Wildcards provide a general mechanism for pattern matching file names. 
There are two distinguished characters that are relevant to this matching. 
The '?' character matches one character (not bytes) except at a '. ' or at 
the end of a string, where it matches zero characters. The '* ' matches 
zero or more characters (not bytes) with no implied boundaries except the 
For example, 'a*b' matches 'ab' and 'aCCCCCCCCC' while 'a?b' matches 'aCb' 
but does not match 'aCCCCCCCCCb' 
See the section on meta characters in this document for additional 
The FSD should uppercase the pattern and string before calling 
FSH_WILDMATCH to achieve a case-insensitive compare. 
Note:  OS/2 does not validate input parameters. An FSD, therefore, should 
call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs