
BlackBox/OS2LDR interface

When initially transferring control to OS2LDR from a 'black box', the 
following interface is defined: 
DH boot mode flags: 
bit 0 (NOVOLIO) on indicates that the mini-FSD does not use MFSH_DOVOLIO. 
bit 1 (RIPL) on indicates that boot volume is not local (RIPL boot) 
bit 2 (MINIFSD) on indicates that a mini-FSD is present. 
bit 3 (RESERVED) 
bit 4 (MICROFSD) on indicates that a micro-FSD is present. 
bits 5-7 are reserved and MUST be zero. 
DL drive number for the boot disk. This parameter is ignored if either the 
NOVOLIO or MINIFSD bits are zero. 
DS:SI is a pointer to the BOOT Media's BPB. This parameter is ignored if 
either the NOVOLIO or MINIFSD bits are zero. 
ES:DI is a pointer to a filetable structure. The filetable structure has 
the following format: 

struct FileTable {
    unsigned short ft_cfiles; /* # of entries in this table             */
    unsigned short ft_ldrseg; /* paragraph # where OS2LDR is loaded     */
    unsigned long  ft_ldrlen; /* length of OS2LDR in bytes              */
    unsigned short ft_museg;  /* paragraph # where microFSD is loaded   */
    unsigned long  ft_mulen;  /* length of microFSD in bytes            */
    unsigned short ft_mfsseg; /* paragraph # where miniFSD is loaded    */
    unsigned long  ft_mfslen; /* length of miniFSD in bytes             */
    unsigned short ft_ripseg; /* paragraph # where RIPL data is loaded  */
    unsigned long  ft_riplen; /* length of RIPL data in bytes           */

    /* The next four elements are pointers to microFSD entry points     */

    unsigned short (far *ft_muOpen)
                     (char far *pName, unsigned long far *pulFileSize);
    unsigned long (far *ft_muRead)
                     (long loffseek, char far *pBuf, unsigned long cbBuf);
    unsigned long (far *ft_muClose)(void);
    unsigned long (far *ft_muTerminate)(void);

The microFSD entry points interface is defined as follows: 
mu_Open - is passed a far pointer to name of file to be opened and a far 
pointer to a ULONG to return the file's size. The returned value (in AX) 
indicates success(0) or failure(non-0). 
mu_Read - is passed a seek offset, a far pointer to a data buffer, and the 
size of the data buffer. The returned value(in DX:AX) indicates the number 
of bytes actually read. 
mu_Close - has no parameters and expects no return value. It is a signal 
to the micro-FSD that the loader is done reading the current file. 
mu_Terminate - has no parameters and expects no return value. It is a 
signal to the micro-FSD that the loader has finished reading the boot 
The loader will call the micro-FSD in a Open-Read-Read-....- Read-Close 
sequence with each file read in from the boot drive. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs