

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call opens a new file, an existing file, a replacement for an 
existing file, a named pipe, or a device. 
 DosOpen    (FileName, FileHandle, ActionTaken, FileSize, FileAttribute, 
            OpenFlag, OpenMode, Reserved) 
 FileName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the ASCIIZ path name of the file, named pipe, or device to 
    be opened. 
 FileHandle (PHFILE) - output 
    Address of the handle for the file, named pipe, or device. 
 ActionTaken (PUSHORT) - output 
    Address of the action taken as a result of DosOpen. 
    Value     Definition 
    0001H     File exists 
    0002H     File created 
    0003H     File replaced. 
 FileSize (ULONG) - input 
    File's new logical size (EOD), in bytes. This parameter is significant 
    only when creating a new file or replacing an existing file. 
     Otherwise, it is ignored. 
 FileAttribute (USHORT) - input 
    File attribute bits.  Defined below: 
    Bit       Description 
    15-6      Reserved and must be zero. 
    5         File archive 
    4         Subdirectory 
    3         Reserved and must be zero. 
    2         System file 
    1         Hidden file 
    0         Read only file 
    These bits may be set individually or in combination.  For example, an 
    attribute value of 0021H (bits 5 and 0 set to 1) indicates a read-only 
    file that should be archived. 
 OpenFlag (USHORT) - input 
    One-word field indicates the action to be taken if the file exists or 
    does not exist. 
    Bit       Description 
    15-8      Reserved and must be zero. 
    7-4       0000 = Fail if file does not exist. 
              0001 = Create file if file does not exist. 
    3-0       0000 = Fail if the file already exists. 
              0001 = Open the file if it already exists. 
              0010 = Replace the file if it already exists. 
 OpenMode (USHORT) - input 
    The OpenMode parameter contains the following bit flags: 
    Bit       Description 
    15        DASD Open flag: 
              0 = FileName represents a file to be opened in the normal 
              1 = FileName is "Drive:" and represents a mounted disk or 
              diskette volume to be opened for direct access. 
    14        Write-Through flag: 
              0 = Writes to the file may be run through the file system 
              buffer cache. 
              1 = Writes to the file may go through the file system buffer 
              cache but the sectors are written (actual file I/O 
              completed) before a synchronous write call returns. This 
              state of the file defines it as a synchronous file. For 
              synchronous files, this is a mandatory bit in that the data 
              must be written out to the medium for synchronous write 
              This bit is not inherited by child processes. 
    13        Fail-Errors flag. Media I/O errors are handled as follows: 
              0 = Reported through the system critical error handler. 
              1 = Reported directly to the caller by way of return code. 
              Media I/O errors generated through an IOCTL Category 8 
              function always get reported directly to the caller by way 
              of return code.  The Fail-Errors function applies only to 
              non-IOCTL handle-based file I/O calls. 
              This bit is not inherited by child processes. 
    12        No-Cache/Cache flag: 
              0 = It is advisable for the disk driver to cache the data in 
              I/O operations on this file. 
              1 = I/O to the file need not be done through the disk driver 
              This bit advises FSDs and device drivers whether it is worth 
              caching the data. Like the write-through bit, this is a 
              per-handle bit and is not inherited by child processes. 
    11        Reserved and must be zero. 
    10-8      The locality of reference flags contain information about 
              how the application is to access the file. 
       Value     Definition 
       000       No locality known. 
       001       Mainly sequential access. 
       010       Mainly random access. 
       011       Random with some locality. 
    7         Inheritance flag: 
              0 = File handle is inherited by a spawned process resulting 
              from a DosExecPgm call. 
              1 = File handle is private to the current process. 
              This bit is not inherited by child processes. 
    6-4       Sharing Mode flags. This field defines any restrictions to 
              file access placed by the caller on other processes: 
       Value     Definition 
       001       Deny Read/Write access 
       010       Deny Write access 
       011       Deny Read access 
       100       Deny neither Read or Write access (Deny None). Any other 
                 value is invalid. 
    3         Reserved and must be zero. 
    2-0       Access Mode flags.  This field defines file access required 
              by the caller: 
       Value     Definition 
       000       Read-Only access 
       001       Write-Only access 
       010       Read/Write access. Any other value is invalid. 
    Any other combinations are invalid. 
    File sharing requires the cooperation of sharing processes. This 
    cooperation is communicated through sharing and access modes. Any 
    sharing restrictions placed on a file opened by a process are removed 
    when the process closes the file with a DosClose request. 
    Sharing Mode 
       Specify the type of access other processes may have to the file 
       (sharing mode). 
       For example, if it is permissible for other processes to continue 
       reading the file while your process is operating on it, specify 
       Deny Write.  This sharing mode prevents other processes from 
       writing to the file but still allows them to read it. 
    Access Mode 
       Specify the type of access to the file needed by your process 
       (access mode). 
       For example, if your process requires Read/Write access, and 
       another process has already opened the file with a sharing mode of 
       Deny None, your DosOpen request succeeds. However, if the file is 
       open with a sharing mode of Deny Write, your process is denied 
    If the file is inherited by a child process, all sharing and access 
    restrictions are also inherited. 
    If an open file handle is duplicated by a call to DosDupHandle, all 
    sharing and access restrictions are also duplicated. 
 Reserved (ULONG) - input 
    Reserved and must be set to zero. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    2         ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 
    3         ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 
    5         ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 
    26        ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 
    82        ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE 
    108       ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED 
    110       ERROR_OPEN_FAILED 
    112       ERROR_DISK_FULL 
    231       ERROR_PIPE_BUSY 
    99        ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE 
 A successful DosOpen request for a file returns a handle to access the 
 file. The read/write pointer is set at the first byte of the file. The 
 pointer's position may be changed by a DosChgFilePtr request or by read 
 and write operations on the file. 
 The file's date and time can be queried by calling DosQFileInfo, and set 
 by calling DosSetFileInfo. 
 FileAttribute sets attribute bits for the file object. Attributes of an 
 existing file can be queried and set by DosQFileMode and DosSetFileMode. 
 A file's read-only attribute may also be set with the OS/2 ATTRIB 
 FileAttribute cannot be set to Volume Label.  Volume labels cannot be 
 opened.  DosSetFSInfo may be issued with a logical drive number to set 
 volume label information. 
 The FileSize parameter affects the size  of the file only when the file 
 is a new file or a replacement for an existing one. If an existing file 
 is simply opened, FileSize is ignored. DosNewSize may be called to change 
 the existing file's size. 
 The value in FileSize is a recommended size for the file. If allocation 
 of the full size fails, the open may still succeed. The file system makes 
 a reasonable attempt to allocate the new size in as nearly contiguous an 
 area as possible on the medium. When the file size is extended, the value 
 of the new bytes is undefined. 
 The DASD Open bit provides direct access to an entire disk or diskette 
 volume, independent of the file system.  This mode of opening the volume 
 currently mounted on the drive returns a handle to the caller, which 
 represents the logical volume as a single file. The caller specifies this 
 handle with a DosDevIOCtl Category 8 Function 0 request to block other 
 processes from accessing the logical volume. 
 The file handle state bits can be set by the DosOpen and DosSetFHandState 
 requests.  An application can query the file handle state bits as well as 
 the rest of the Open Mode field, by calling DosQFHandState. If a program 
 running with the NEWFILES bit set tries to create or replace a file with 
 blanks immediately preceding the dot on a FAT drive, the system rejects 
 the name.  For example, if c: is a FAT drive, the name "file .txt" is 
 rejected and the name "file.txt" is accepted. 
 Family API Considerations 
 Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in the OS/2 mode. 
  Therefore, the following restrictions apply to DosOpen when coding for 
 the DOS mode: 
 o OpenMode restrictions: 
    - Handles returned in response to DASD open are valid only for 
    - Inheritance flag is not supported in DOS 2.X. 
    - Write-Through flag must be set to zero. 
    - Fail-errors flag must be set to zero. 
    - Sharing mode field has meaning only if Sharing is loaded in DOS 3.X, 
      ignored if Sharing is not loaded. Sharing mode is not supported in 
      DOS 2.X. 
    - Access mode field has meaning only if Sharing is loaded in DOS 3.X, 
      ignored if Sharing is not loaded. Access mode field is not supported 
      in DOS 2.X. 
 o Access mode is valid only if Sharing is loaded. 
 Named Pipe Considerations 
 DosOpen opens the client end of a pipe by name and returns a handle.  The 
 open succeeds only if the pipe is in a listening state; otherwise, the 
 open returns with ERROR_PIPE_BUSY. The pipe can be busy because of the 
 following reasons: 
 o All instances of the pipe are already open. 
 o The pipe is closed but is not yet disconnected by the serving end. 
 o No DosConnectNmPipe is issued against the pipe after it is 
 Once a given instance has been opened by a client, that same instance 
 cannot be opened by another client at the same time.  Pipes can only be 
 two-ended; however, the opening process can duplicate the open handle as 
 many times as desired. 
 Pipes are always opened with the pipe-specific states set to B = 0 (to 
 block reads/writes) and RR = 00 (read the pipe as a byte stream).  The 
 client can change these modes by calling DosSetNmPHandState if desired. 
 The access and sharing  modes specified on the open must be consistent 
 with those specified on the DosMakeNmPipe request. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs