

typedef struct _MUXSEMLIST {   /* mxsl */
  USHORT  cmxs;                /* count of MuxSem structures */
  MUXSEM  amxs[16];            /* MuxSem structure */

typedef struct _MUXSEM {    /* mxs */
  USHORT zero;              /* zero */
  HSEM   hsem;              /* semaphore handle */


USHORT  rc = DosMuxSemWait(IndexNbr, ListAddr, Timeout);

PUSHORT          IndexNbr;      /* Index number of event (returned) */
PVOID            ListAddr;      /* Semaphore list */
LONG             Timeout;       /* Timeout (in milliseconds) */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

The following example illustrates notification of events between threads 
of the same process. The main thread sets two RAM semaphores and invokes 
two threads, each of which clears one of the semaphores.  Meanwhile, the 
main thread waits for either of the two semaphores to clear, and then 
resumes execution, indicating the thread that notified first. 



#define NUM_SEMS         2       /* Number of semaphores to wait on */
#define TIMEOUT          2000L   /* Timeout period */
#define SLEEPTIME        1000L   /* Sleep period for Thread_1 */
#define RETURN_CODE      0       /* Return Code for thread termination */

ULONG       RamSem1 = 0L;        /* Allocation and initialization of   */
ULONG       RamSem2 = 0L;        /*  two RAM semaphores                */
ULONG far   *RamSem1Handle = &RamSem1;  /* Semaphore handles */
ULONG far   *RamSem2Handle = &RamSem2;
TID         ThreadID[2];         /* Thread Identification */
BYTE        ThreadStack1[4000];  /* Thread Stack Area */
BYTE        ThreadStack2[4000];
MUXSEMLIST  SemList;             /* Semaphore list structure */
USHORT      IndexNbr;            /* Index number for DosMuxSemWait */
USHORT      rc;                  /* Return Code */


  printf("Begin Thread_1. It will sleep for 1 second. \n");

  /* Give Thread_2 a chance to execute */
  DosSleep(SLEEPTIME);                 /* Sleep Interval */
  if(!(r=DosSemClear(RamSem1Handle)))  /* Semaphore handle */
    printf("RamSem1 cleared. \n");
  DosExit(EXIT_THREAD,                 /* Action Code */
          RETURN_CODE);                /* Result Code */


  printf("Begin Thread_2. It will try to clear RamSem2 now. \n");
  if(!(r=DosSemClear(RamSem2Handle)))  /* Semaphore Handle */
    printf("RamSem2 cleared. \n");
  DosExit(EXIT_THREAD,                 /* Action Code */
          RETURN_CODE);                /* Result Code */

  USHORT  rc;                          /* Return Code */

  /* Set both semaphores */
  if(!(rc=DosSemSet(RamSem1Handle)))   /* Semaphore Handle */
    printf("RamSem1 set. \n");
  if(!(rc=DosSemSet(RamSem2Handle)))   /* Semaphore Handle */
    printf("RamSem2 set. \n");

  /* Initialize Semaphore list structure */
  SemList.cmxs = NUM_SEMS;             /* Number of semaphores */
  SemList.amxs[0].zero = 0;            /* This field must be 0 */
  SemList.amxs[1].zero = 0;            /* This field must be 0 */
  SemList.amxs[0].hsem = RamSem1Handle;  /* Semaphore handle */
  SemList.amxs[1].hsem = RamSem2Handle;  /* Semaphore handle */

  /* Start the two threads */
  if(!(DosCreateThread((PFNTHREAD) Thread_1,   /* Thread address */
                       &ThreadID[0],           /* Thread ID
                                                                 (returned) */
                       &ThreadStack1[3999])))  /* End of thread
                                                                 stack */
    printf("Thread_1 created. \n");
  if(!(DosCreateThread((PFNTHREAD) Thread_2,   /* Thread address */
                       &ThreadID[1],           /* Thread ID
                                                                 (returned) */
                       &ThreadStack2[3999])))  /* End of thread
                                                                 stack */
    printf("Thread_2 created. \n");

  /* Wait for either semaphore to clear; then, indicate which */
  /*   thread notified first.                                 */

  if(!(DosMuxSemWait(&IndexNbr,    /* Index of semaphore   */
                                   /*   cleared (returned) */
                     &SemList,     /* Address of sem. list structure */
                     TIMEOUT)))    /* Timeout period */
    printf("Back to main thread; semaphore cleared by Thread%d.\n",
           IndexNbr + 1);

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs