


USHORT  rc = DosPeekQueue(QueueHandle, Request, DataLength, DataAddress,
                           ElementCode, NoWait, ElemPriority,

HQUEUE           QueueHandle;     /* Queue handle */
PULONG           Request;         /* Request identification data
                                      (returned) */
PUSHORT          DataLength;      /* Length of element received
                                      (returned) */
PULONG           DataAddress;     /* Address of element received
                                      (returned) */
PUSHORT          ElementCode;     /* Indicator of element received
                                      (returned) */
UCHAR            NoWait;          /* Indicate to not wait if queue
                                      is empty */
PBYTE            ElemPriority;    /* Priority of element (returned) */
ULONG            SemaphoreHandle; /* Semaphore Handle */

USHORT           rc;              /* return code */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs