

typedef struct _FDATE {   /* fdate */
  unsigned day   : 5;     /* binary day for directory entry */
  unsigned month : 4;     /* binary month for directory entry */
  unsigned year  : 7;     /* binary year for directory entry */

typedef struct _FTIME {       /* ftime */
  unsigned twosecs : 5;       /* binary number of two-second increments */
  unsigned minutes : 6;       /* binary number of minutes */
  unsigned hours   : 5;       /* binary number of hours */

typedef struct _FILESTATUS {   /* fsts */
  FDATE  fdateCreation;        /* date of file creation */
  FTIME  ftimeCreation;        /* time of file creation */
  FDATE  fdateLastAccess;      /* date of last access */
  FTIME  ftimeLastAccess;      /* time of last access */
  FDATE  fdateLastWrite;       /* date of last write */
  FTIME  ftimeLastWrite;       /* time of last write */
  ULONG  cbFile;               /* file size (end of data) */
  ULONG  cbFileAlloc;          /* file allocated size */
  USHORT attrFile;             /* attributes of the file */

typedef struct _GEA {       /* gea */
  BYTE cbName;            /* name length not including NULL */
  CHAR szName[1];         /* attribute name */
} GEA;

typedef struct _GEALIST {   /* geal */
  ULONG  cbList;          /* total bytes of structure including full list */
  GEA list[1];            /* variable length GEA structures */

typedef struct _FEA {       /* fea */
  BYTE fEA;               /* flags */
  BYTE cbName;            /* name length not including NULL */
  USHORT cbValue;         /* value length */
} FEA;

typedef struct _FEALIST {   /* feal */
  ULONG  cbList;          /* total bytes of structure including full list */
  FEA list[1];            /* variable length FEA structures */

typedef struct _EAOP {      /* eaop */
  PGEALIST fpGEAList;     /* general EA list */
  PFEALIST fpFEAList;     /* full EA list */
  ULONG  oError;


USHORT  rc = DosQPathInfo(PathName, PathInfoLevel, PathInfoBuf,
                            PathInfoBufSize, 0);

PSZ             PathName;        /* File or directory path name string */
USHORT          PathInfoLevel;   /* Data required  */
PBYTE           PathInfoBuf;     /* Data buffer (returned) */
USHORT          PathInfoBufSize; /* Data buffer size */
ULONG           0;               /* Reserved (must be zero)  */

USHORT          rc;              /* return code */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs