


USHORT  rc = DosSemSetWait(SemHandle, Timeout);

HSEM             SemHandle;     /* Semaphore handle */
LONG             Timeout;       /* Timeout (in milliseconds) */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

The following example illustrates the notification of an event between 
threads of different processes.  Process1 creates a nonexclusive system 
semaphore named process1.sem.  It then invokes process2 to run 
asynchronously. Finally, process1 sets the semaphore and waits, with a 
timeout of 4.5 seconds, for process2 to open the semaphore and clear it. 
Process1 resumes after this clearance. The following example is different 
from the one given for DosSemSet and DosSemWait only in that the set and 
wait functions are performed in one atomic step, via DosSemSetWait. 
 Hence, in the following example, there is no possibility for process1 to 
miss the notification because of a premature clear by process2. 

/* ----- process1.c ---- */


#include <os2.h>

#define SEM_NAME "\\SEM\\process1.sem" /* Semaphore name */
#define TIMEOUT 4500L                  /* Timeout period */
#define START_PROGRAM "process2.exe"   /* Name of program file */

  HSEM          SemHandle;
  CHAR          ObjFail [50];
  PSZ           Args;
  PSZ           Envs;
  RESULTCODES   ReturnCodes;
  USHORT        rc;

  printf("Process1 now running. \n");
  rc = DosCreateSem(CSEM_PUBLIC,       /* Ownership indicator */
                    &SemHandle,        /* Semaphore handle (returned) */
                    SEM_NAME);         /* Semaphore name string */
  printf("Process1.sem created; return code is %d \n", rc);

  /* Start a separate process */
  if(!(DosExecPgm(ObjFail,           /* Object name buffer */
                  sizeof(ObjFail),   /* Length of obj. name buffer */
                  EXEC_ASYNC,        /* Execution flag - asynchronous */
                  Args,              /* Ptr. to argument string */
                  Envs,              /* Ptr. to environment string */
                  &ReturnCodes,      /* Ptr. to resultcodes struct. */
                  START_PROGRAM)))   /* Name of program file */
    printf("Process2 started. Process1 will try to wait for notification. \n");

  /************* SET semaphore and WAIT for a notification ************/
  /*************   from process2 on process1.sem           ************/

  if((rc = DosSemSetWait(SemHandle,     /* Semaphore handle */
                         TIMEOUT)))     /* Timeout period */

    /* No notification (either interrupt or timeout); error processing */
    /* Notification received.  Normal processing */
    printf("Process2 cleared semaphore; process1 running again. \n");

/* ----- process2.c ----*/


#include <os2.h>

#define SEM_NAME "\\SEM\\process1.sem"    /* Semaphore name */

  HSEM SemHandle;
  USHORT rc;

  /* Obtain access to semaphore created by process1 via OPEN */
  if((rc=DosOpenSem(&SemHandle,           /* Semaphore handle
                                                  (returned) */
                    SEM_NAME)))           /* Semaphore Name */
    /* Could not open -- error processing (switch on rc). */
    /* Opened semaphore; normal processing.  Clear semaphore when done. */
    printf("Semaphore OPENED. \n");
    if(!(rc=DosSemClear(SemHandle)))      /* Semaphore handle */
      printf("Semaphore CLEARED. \n");

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs