

typedef struct _STARTDATA {   /* stdata */
  USHORT cb;                  /* length of data structure in bytes */
  USHORT Related;             /* 0=independent session, 1=child session */
  USHORT FgBg;             /* 0=start in foreground, 1=start in background */
  USHORT TraceOpt;            /* 0=no trace, 1=trace */
  PSZ    PgmTitle;            /* address of program title */
  PSZ    PgmName;             /* address of program name */
  PBYTE  PgmInputs;           /* input arguments */
  PBYTE  TermQ;               /* address of program queue name */
  PBYTE  Environment;         /* address of environment string */
  USHORT InheritOpt;          /* inherit option (shell of program) */
  USHORT SessionType;         /* session type (standard, windowed, ...) */
  PSZ    IconFile;            /* address of icon definition */
  ULONG  PgmHandle;           /* program handle */
  USHORT PgmControl;          /* initial state of windowed application */
  USHORT InitXPos;            /* x coordinate of initial session window */
  USHORT InitYPos;            /* y coordinate of initial session window */
  USHORT InitXSize;           /* initial size of x */
  USHORT InitYSize;           /* initial size of y */


USHORT  rc = DosStartSession(StartData, SessID, PID);

PSTARTDATA       StartData;     /* Start session data */
PUSHORT          SessID;        /* Session ID (returned) */
PUSHORT          PID;           /* Process ID (returned) */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs