{{page>en:templates:fapiint}} ====== VioSavRedrawUndo ====== This call allows one thread within a process to cancel a [[VioSavRedrawWait]] issued by another thread within the same process. ===== Syntax ===== VioSavRedrawUndo (OwnerIndic, KillIndic, VioHandle) ===== Parameters ===== * OwnerIndic ([[USHORT]]) - input: Indicates whether the thread issuing VioSavRedrawUndo wants ownership of VioSavRedrawWait to be reserved for its process. * 0 Reserve ownership * 1 Give up ownership. * KillIndic ([[USHORT]]) - input: Indicates whether the thread with the outstanding VioSavRedrawWait should be returned an error code or be terminated. * 0 Return error code * 1 Terminate thread. * VioHandle ([[HVIO]]) - input : Reserved word of 0s. ===== Return Code ===== rc ([[USHORT]]) - return Return code descriptions are: *0 NO_ERROR *421 ERROR_VIO_INVALID_PARMS *422 ERROR_VIO_FUNCTION_OWNED *428 ERROR_VIO_NO_SAVE_RESTORE_THD *430 ERROR_VIO_ILLEGAL_DURING_POPUP *465 ERROR_VIO_DETACHED *494 ERROR_VIO_EXTENDED_SG ===== Remarks ===== The issuing thread can reserve ownership of VioSavRedrawWait for its process or give it up. The thread whose VioSavRedrawWait was cancelled is optionally terminated. VioSavRedrawUndo may be issued only by a thread within the same process that owns VioSavRedrawWait. ===== Bindings ===== ==== C ==== #define INCL_VIO USHORT rc = VioSavRedrawUndo(OwnerIndic, KillIndic, VioHandle); USHORT OwnerIndic; /* Ownership indicator */ USHORT KillIndic; /* Terminate indicator */ HVIO VioHandle; /* Video handle */ USHORT rc; /* return code */ ==== MASM ==== EXTRN VioSavRedrawUndo:FAR INCL_VIO EQU 1 PUSH WORD OwnerIndic ;Ownership indicator PUSH WORD KillIndic ;Terminate indicator PUSH WORD VioHandle ;Video handle CALL VioSavRedrawUndo Returns WORD Text based on [[http://www.edm2.com/index.php/VioSavRedrawUndo_(OS/2_1.x)]] {{page>en:templates:fapi}}