==== FS_SETSWAP ==== **Purpose** Perform whatever actions are necessary to support the swapper. **Calling Sequence** int far pascal FS_SETSWAP(psffsi, psffsd) struct sffsi far * psffsi; struct sffsd far * psffsd; **Where** //psffsi// is a pointer to the file-system-independent portion of an open file instance of the swapper file. //psffsd// is a pointer to the file-system-dependent portion of an open file instance. **Remarks** Swapping does not begin until this call returns successfully. This call is made during system initialization. The FSD makes all segments that are relevant to swap-file I/O non-swappable (see //FSH_FORCENOSWAP//). This includes any data and code segments accessed during a read or write. Any FSD that manages writeable media may be the swapper file system. //FS_SETSWAP// may be called more than once for the same or different volumes or FSDs.