{{page>en:templates:dosint}} ====== Int 21H, AH=07H ====== ===== Version ===== 1 and higher ===== Brief ===== DIRECT CHARACTER INPUT, WITHOUT ECHO ===== Family API ===== [[en:docs:fapi:DosRead]] ===== Input ===== AH = 07h ===== Return ===== AL = character read from standard input ===== Notes ===== does not check ^C/^Break standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), partially-formed double-byte characters may be returned ===== See also ===== AH=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:01|01h]],AH=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:06|06h]],AH=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:08|08h]],AH=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:0a|0Ah]] ===== Note ===== Text based on [[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ralf/files.html|Ralf Brown Interrupt List Release 61]] {{page>en:templates:int}} {{page>en:templates:fapi}}