
Bindings: C, MASM

This call returns either the font table of the size specified or the font in use.

VioGetFont (RequestBlock, VioHandle)

RequestBlock (PVIOFONTINFO) - input/output Address of the font structure that returns current RAM font or specified ROM or code page font depending on the request type:

length (USHORT) Length of structure, including length.

14 Only valid value.

reqtype (USHORT) Request type:

Value Definition
0 Get current RAM font for EGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter.
1 Get ROM font for CGA, EGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter.

pelcolumns (USHORT) Pel columns in character cell.

pelrows (USHORT) Pel rows in character cell.

fonttable (PVOID) Address of the requested font table returned in a caller-supplied data area. If the storage area is accessed by way of an address of 0, a system-supplied segment containing the requested font table is returned.

tablelength (USHORT) Length, in bytes, of the caller-supplied data area where the font table is returned.

VioHandle (HVIO) - input Reserved word of 0s.

rc (USHORT) - return Return code descriptions are:



For reqtype = 1, return ROM font, the font size requested must be supported by the display adapter installed. The 8×8, 8×14, 9×14, 8×16, or 9×16 character font may be requested for the VGA or PS/2 Display Adapters. The 8×8, 8×14, or 9×14 font may be requested for the enhanced graphics adapter. The 8×8 font may be requested for the color graphics adapter.

Note: Although graphics mode support is provided in VioGetFont, this support is not provided by the Base Video Handlers provided with OS/2.

For reqtype = 1, return ROM font, the far address returned is a ROM pointer only for those fonts where the font table for the full 256-character set is actually contained in ROM. Otherwise, the far address returned is a RAM pointer. Note that for 8×8 on the CGA, the font table for the full 256-character set is returned. For 9×14 or 9×16 the font table for the full 256-character set is also returned. Partial fonts are not returned. The 9×14 and 9×16 fonts are derived from variations of the 8×14 and 8×16 fonts, respectively, where the definitions of fonts for those characters that are different, are replaced.

For VioGetFont specifying reqtype = 1, return ROM font, the font returned is derived from the fonts contained in the system, EGA, VGA, and PS/2 Display Adapter BIOS data areas as applicable. There is an exception for the EGA, VGA and PS/2 Display Adapter when VioSetCp or VioSetFont has been issued. In that case, the font of the size requested is returned from the active code page or the list of user fonts already set.

C bindings

typedef struct _VIOFONTINFO {   /* viofi */
  USHORT  cb;                 /* length of this structure */
  USHORT  type;               /* request type */
  USHORT  cxCell;             /* pel columns in character cell */
  USHORT  cyCell;             /* pel rows in character cell */
  PVOID   pbData;             /* requested font table (returned) */
  USHORT  cbData;             /* length of caller supplied data area
                                (in bytes) */
#define INCL_VIO
USHORT  rc = VioGetFont(RequestBlock, VioHandle);
PVIOFONTINFO     RequestBlock;  /* Request block */
HVIO             VioHandle;     /* Vio handle */
USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

MASM bindings

  viofi_cb      dw  ? ;length of this structure
  viofi_type    dw  ? ;request type
  viofi_cxCell  dw  ? ;pel columns in character cell
  viofi_cyCell  dw  ? ;pel rows in character cell
  viofi_pbData  dd  ? ;requested font table (returned)
  viofi_cbData  dw  ? ;length of caller supplied data area (in bytes)
INCL_VIO            EQU 1
PUSH@  OTHER   RequestBlock  ;Request block
PUSH   WORD    VioHandle     ;Vio handle
CALL   VioGetFont
Returns WORD