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osFree distribution (draft I)

  • osFree must use WarpIN as a package manager, with some enhancements
  • support for repositories? A repository client, something like apt or yum, but with OS/2 specifics.
    1. This tool must be separate from WarpIN, i.e., it is specific to repositories, not packages format. It's purpose is:
      1. understanding the repository format, different protocols support, like ftp, http, etc.
      2. maybe, support for handling the different packages formats, other than WPI, i.e., plain ZIP's with metainfo and installation scripts included(like it was in UnixOS/2), or RPM - for software ported from UNIX. The repository client will handle different package types via special plugins, and invoke different tools when installing packages (invoke WIC, ZIP, or RPM)
    2. WarpIN is for tracking dependencies, maintaining the local packages database, understanding the .WPI format
  • response-file-driven installation:
    1. response-file can be created manually
    2. response-file can be generated by UI (VIO or PM-based)
  • so, installer must be divided into two separate parts:
    1. UI for choosing user options interactively, it can be:
      • textmode UI with pseudographics
      • graphical, PM-based
    2. installation engine, based on WarpIN with plugins.
      • it can be started by an experienced user, system administrator, or by the installation UI.
      • also, DOS (DPMI)-based version of the installation engine and UI would be desired
      • a Linux- or Win32-based version (?)


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