
This is an old revision of the document!

Please help to find info about enries marked as No info


This is forwarder DLL to DOSCALLS.DLL. No any real code here.

Ordinal Entry Desc Status
1 AnsiInject Inject ANSI DSR output to KbdHandler buffer. Forwarder to DOSCALLS.848 Done
3 AnsiInterp Forwarder to DOSCALLS.849 Done
2 AnsiKeydef Forwarder to DOSCALLS.850 Done

Data Exchange

pmclip PM clipboard pmdde A windows-like Dynamic Data Exchange pmddeml ???

VDM PM interface

pmvdmh PM VDM helper pmvdmp PM DOS window DLL
(works closely with pmviop)
seamless Seamless Win-OS/2 support (PM shield) shield Some shieild API


pmwp WPS main module pmwpmri WPS resources pmvddrop PMVDDrop Class library (WPS class???)


pmpic Something which handle
pictures and metafiles
pmtkt PM toolkit ???