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32-bit implementation fo Vio/Mou/Mon/Kbd functions compatible with EMXWRAP. In osFree EMXWRAP is virtual DLL. Real functions implementation in SUB32.DLL. For IBM 32-bit interface see OS2CHAR2.DLL.

If you place EXMWRAP from EMX package it will not loaded, because in osFree EMXWRAP is virtual.

Ordinal Name Desc Status
30 WinDefAVioWindowProc
101 VioEndPopUp
102 VioGetPhysBuf
103 VioGetAnsi
105 VioSetAnsi
106 VioDeRegister
107 VioScrollUp
108 VioPrtSc
109 VioGetCurPos
110 VioWrtCellStr
111 VioPopUp
112 VioScrollRt
113 VioWrtCharStr
115 VioSetCurPos
118 VioScrUnLock
119 VioWrtTTY
121 VioGetMode
122 VioSetMode
123 VioScrLock
124 VioReadCellStr
125 VioSavRedrawWait
126 VioWrtNAttr
127 VioGetCurType
128 VioSavRedrawUndo
129 VioGetFont
130 VioReadCharStr
131 VioGetBuf
132 VioSetCurType
133 VioSetFont
135 VioModeUndo
137 VioModeWait
140 VioGetCp
142 VioSetCp
143 VioShowBuf
144 VioScrollLf
145 VioRegister
146 VioGetConfig
147 VioScrollDn
148 VioWrtCharStrAtt
149 VioGetState
150 VioPrtScToggle
151 VioSetState
152 VioWrtNCell
153 VioWrtNChar
155 VioAssociate
156 VioCreatePS
157 VioDeleteSetId
158 VioGetDeviceCellSize
159 VioGetOrg
160 VioCreateLogFont
161 VioDestroyPS
162 VioQuerySetIds
163 VioSetOrg
164 VioQueryFonts
165 VioSetDeviceCellSize
166 VioShowPS
170 VioGlobalReg
175 VioCheckCharType
201 KbdSetCustXt
203 KbdGetCp
204 KbdCharIn
205 KbdSetCp
207 KbdSynch
208 KbdRegister
209 KbdStringIn
210 KbdGetStatus
211 KbdSetStatus
212 KbdGetFocus
213 KbdFlushBuffer
214 KbdXlate
217 KbdClose
218 KbdFreeFocus
220 KbdDeRegister
221 KbdSetFgnd
222 KbdPeek
223 KbdOpen
224 KbdGetHWID
225 KbdSetHWID
301 MouGetPtrShape
302 MouSetPtrShape
303 MouGetNumMickeys
306 MouGetScaleFact
307 MouFlushQue
308 MouGetNumButtons
309 MouClose
311 MouSetScaleFact
313 MouGetNumQueEl
314 MouDeRegister
315 MouGetEventMask
316 MouSetEventMask
317 MouOpen
318 MouRemovePtr
319 MouGetPtrPos
320 MouReadEventQue
321 MouSetPtrPos
322 MouGetDevStatus
323 MouSynch
324 MouRegister
325 MouSetDevStatus
326 MouDrawPtr
327 MouInitReal
329 MouSetThreshold
330 MouGetThreshold
401 DosMonWrite
402 DosMonRead
403 DosMonClose
404 DosMonOpen
405 DosMonReg