
This is an old revision of the document!

Note: This API call is for DOS and Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.

2018/09/07 05:04 · prokushev · 0 Comments

XMS API implemented via VXMS.DLL VDD

Function Description Status Version
00h Get XMS Version Number 2
01h Request High Memory Area 2
02h Release High Memory Area 2
03h Global Enable A20 2
04h Global Disable A20 2
05h Local Enable A20 2
06h Local Disable A20 2
07h Query A20 2
08h Query Free Extended Memory 2
09h Allocate Extended Memory Block 2
0Ah Free Extended Memory Block 2
0Bh Move Extended Memory Block 2
0Ch Lock Extended Memory Block 2
0Dh Unlock Extended Memory Block 2
0Eh Get Handle Information 2
0Fh Reallocate Extended Memory Block 2
10h Request Upper Memory Block 2
11h Release Upper Memory Block 2
12h Realloc Upper Memory Block 2
88h Query any Free Extended Memory 3
89h Allocate any Extended Memory Block 3
8Eh Get Extended EMB Handle 3
8Fh Realloc any Extended Memory 3