
This is an old revision of the document!

This is part of Family API which allow to create dual-os version of program runs under OS/2 and DOS

Note: This is legacy API call. It is recommended to use 32-bit equivalent

2021/09/17 04:47 · prokushev · 0 Comments
2021/08/20 03:18 · prokushev · 0 Comments
Name Description Cross-platform
BadDynLink This is DOS specific version function which called during module loading if linking error is detected. It shows message and terminates via int 21h Terminate call -
DosBeep Generates sound from the speaker using direct port I/O No
DosBufReset Flushes a file cache buffers
DosChDir Defines the current directory for the requesting process
DosChgFilePtr Moves the read/write pointer
DosClose Closes a handle to a file, pipe, or device
DosCreateCSAlias Create CS alias from data segment
DosCLIAccess Request I/O privilege for disabling and enabling interrupts
DosPortAccess Request or release access to ports for I/O privilege
DosDelete Removes a directory entry associated with a file name
DosDevConfig Return device configuration
DosDupHandle Returns a new file handle for an open file
DosFreeSeg Deallocates a memory segment
DosGetDateTime Get the current date and time
DosGetEnv Return process environment for the current process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosGetHugeShift Return a shift count used to derive the selectors that address memory allocated with DosAllocHuge DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosGetMachineMode Returns the current mode of the processor DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosGetMessage Retrieve a message from the specified system message file DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosGetVersion Return the OS version number DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosInsMessage Insert variable text string information into the body of a message DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosMkDir Create a subdirectory DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosMkDir2 Create a subdirectory with EA DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done ????
DosMove Move a file object to another location, change its name DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosNewSize Changes the size of a file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosPutMessage Output the message DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosQCurDir Returns the full path name of the current directory DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosQCurDisk Determines the current default drive for the requesting process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosQFileMode Queries the mode (attribute) of the specified file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosQFSInfo Query file system info DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosQVerify Returns the value of the verify flag DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosRmDir Removes a subdirectory from the specified disk DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosSelectDisk Selects the drive specified as the default drive DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosSetDateTime Set the date and time DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSetFileInfo Set attribute and extended attribute information for a file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSetFileMode Changes the mode (attribute) of the specified file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSetVerify Sets write verification DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done Done 1.00
DosSleep Suspend the current thread for a specified time DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSubAlloc Suballocate portions of a segment DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosSubFree Free memory previously allocated by DosSubAlloc DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosSubSet Initialize a segment for suballocation DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosWrite Write buffer to file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosAllocHuge Allocate multiple segments as a huge block of memory DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosAllocSeg Allocate a data segment up to 64KB in size DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosCaseMap Case mapping on a string DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.10
DosDevIOCtl Control functions on a device DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosDevIOCtl2 Control functions on a device DOSCALLS API/FAPI ????
DosError Receive hard error notification DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosErrClass Receive hard error code information DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.10
DosExecPgm Execute another program as a child process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosExit End The current thread or process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosFileLocks Locks and unlock a range in an opened file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosFindClose Finish DosFindFirst or DosFindNext directory search function sequence DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosFindFirst Finds the first file object or group of file objects whose name(s) match the specification DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosFindFirst2 Finds the first file object or group of file objects whose name(s) match the specification DOSCALLS API/FAPI ???
DosFindNext Locate the next set of directory entries DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosGetCtryInfo Obtain country-dependent formatting information that resides in the country information file DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.10
DosGetDBCSEv Obtain a DBCS (double byte character set) environmental vector that resides in the country information file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.10
DosGetCP Query the current process code page and the prepared system code pages DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.10
DosSetCP Set process code page and the session's display code page and keyboard code page DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.10
DosGetCollate Obtain a collating sequence table DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.10
DosHoldSignal Temporarily disable or enable signal processing for the current process DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosOpen Open a file, a named pipe, or a device DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosOpen2 Open a file with extended attributes DOSCALLS API/FAPI ????
DosQFileInfo Return information for a specific file DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosRead Read the specified number of bytes from a file, pipe, or device to a buffer location DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosReallocHuge Change the size of memory originally allocated by DosAllocHuge DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosReallocSeg Reallocate a segment after discard or changes the size of a segment already allocated DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSetFHandState Set the state of the specified file DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
DosSetSigHandler Set signal handler DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosAllocShrSeg Allocate a named shared memory segment to a process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosGetShrSeg Accesses a shared memory segment previously allocated by another process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosLoadModule Load a dynamic link module and returns a handle for the module DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosFreeModule Free the reference to a dynamic link module for a process DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosQHandType Get handle type DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosGetProcAddr Get module procedure address DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosGetPID Get process id DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
DosSetMaxFH Set maximum file handlers DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosGetModHandle Get module handle DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosQPathInfo Get path information DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
DosQFSAttach Query information about an attached file system DOSCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
DosQSysInfo Query system variablies values DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosMemAvail Query maximum availabe huge memory block DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
DosGetInfoSeg Query global and local information segments DOSCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
KbdCharIn Return a character data record from the keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
KbdFlushBuffer Clear the keystroke buffer KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
KbdGetStatus Get the current state of the keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
KbdSetStatus Set the characteristics of the keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
KbdStringIn Read a character string (character codes only) from the keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
KbdPeek Return any available character data record from the keyboard without removing it from the buffer KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
KbdOpen Create a new logical keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
KbdClose Close the existing logical keyboard KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
KbdGetFocus KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
KbdFreeFocus KBDCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
KbdRegister KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
KbdDeRegister KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouRegister KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouDeRegister KBDCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouGetNumButtons MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouGetNumMickeys MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouGetDevStatus MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouReadEventQue MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouGetScaleFact MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouGetEventMask MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouSetScaleFact MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouSetEventMask MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
MouSetDevStatus MOUCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioGetBuf Return the address of the logical video buffer (LVB) VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioGetCurPos Return the coordinates of the cursor VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioGetCurType Get cursor type VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioGetPhysBuf Get addressability to the physical display buffer VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
VioReadCellStr Read a string of character-attribute pairs from the screen VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioReadCharStr Read a string of characters from the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioScrollDn Scroll the entire display buffer (or area specified within the display buffer) down VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioScrollLf Scroll the entire display buffer (or area specified within the display buffer) to the left VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
VioScrollRt Scroll the entire display buffer (or area specified within the display buffer) to the right VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.00
VioScrUnLock Release ownership of (unlocks) the physical display buffer VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioSetCurPos Set the cursor's coordinates on the screen VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioSetCurType Set the cursor type VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioSetMode Set the mode of the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioShowBuf Update the physical display buffer with the logical video buffer (LVB) VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioWrtCellStr Write a string of character-attribute pairs (cells) to the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtCharStr Write a character string to the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtCharStrAtt Write a character string with repeated attribute to the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtNAttr Write an attribute to the display a specified number of times VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtNCell Write a cell (character-attribute pair) to the display a specified number of times VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtNChar Write a character to the display a specified number of times VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioWrtTTY Write a character string to the display starting at the current cursor position VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioScrLock Request ownership of (locks) the physical display buffer VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.00
VioGetMode Return the mode of the display VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioGetConfig Return the video display configuration VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.??
VioGetAnsi Return the current ANSI status On/Off state VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioSetAnsi Activate or deactivate ANSI support VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioScrollUp Sroll the entire display buffer (or area specified within the display buffer) up VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioDeRegister Deregister alternate video system VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioRegister Register alternate video system VIOCALLS API/FAPI Done 1.20
VioGetState Return the current settings of adapter VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
VioSetState Set the current settings of adapter VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
VioGetCP Query the code page for display VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioSetCP Set the code page for display VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioGetFont Get current font VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
VioSetFont Set current font VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.??
VioModeWait Notify process about it must restore its video mode VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioPopUp Show temporary screen to display message VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioEndPopUp Return from temporary screen VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioSavRedrawWait Notifies application when it must save/redraw its screen VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioSavRedrawUndo VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioPrtSc Dump screen to printer VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20
VioPrtScToggle Toggle VioWrtTty also write to printer VIOCALLS API/FAPI 1.20