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en:docs:os2:architecture [2014/06/06 20:50] – [The current OS/2 personality prototype] valeriusen:docs:os2:architecture [2016/03/11 00:22] – [Other OS's personalities] valerius
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 I heard that IBM registered a trade mark "The Integration Platform (TM)", and it is a general concept and ideology under OS/2 design. I heard that IBM registered a trade mark "The Integration Platform (TM)", and it is a general concept and ideology under OS/2 design.
-It advertised as "DOS better than DOS" and "Windows better than Windows", and it's true. The continuation of this idea was the Workplace OS, which was never finished, because a voluntary desision of IBM management. It is failed also because no other companies were willing to port their OS'es to IBM's microkernel. But we care much only about OS/2 personality as a base and our OS. The other personalities could be reused as results or other projects, like L4linux or Reactos.+It advertised as "DOS better than DOS" and "Windows better than Windows", and it's true. The continuation of this idea was the Workplace OS, which was never finished, because a voluntary desision of IBM management. It is failed also because no other companies were willing to port their OS'es to IBM's microkernel. But we care much only about OS/2 personality as a base and our OS. The other personalities could be reused as results or other projects, like L4linux or ReactOS, and Opensource will help us with it.
-==== The current OS/2 personality prototype ====+ ==== The current OS/2 personality prototype ====
-The osFree Demo setup was demonstrated in 2011, Aug, 22, on the Chaos Constructions'2011 Computer Art festival, in St'Petersbourg. See [[ru:articles:cc-2011|A speech of Oxyd on CC'2011]], a [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxE6Jy3SQ04|clip]] on youtube.+The osFree Demo setup was demonstrated in 2011, Aug, 22, on the Chaos Constructions'2011 Computer Art festival, in St'Petersbourg. See [[ru:articles:cc-2011|A speech of Oxyd on CC'2011]], a [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxE6Jy3SQ04|clip]] on youtube (in russian). 
 +The current demo CD can be downloaded from our [[en:download|download area]] 
 +Here is described our demo setup: [[en:docs:os2:status|osFree demo]].
 ==== osFree PM ==== ==== osFree PM ====
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 The osFree PM is an osFree version of FreePM, which was began by Evgeny Kotsuba, and then abandoned. After that, we did some changes to it, and called it "osFree PM", to avoid name collision in case Evgeny will continue his initial version. The osFree PM is an osFree version of FreePM, which was began by Evgeny Kotsuba, and then abandoned. After that, we did some changes to it, and called it "osFree PM", to avoid name collision in case Evgeny will continue his initial version.
-  * [[http://wiki.laser.ru/os8/index.php/FreePM|Docs about FreePM, by Evgeny]], now inaccessible+  * [[http://web.archive.org/web/20071214042403/http://wiki.laser.ru/os8/index.php/FreePM|Docs about FreePM, by Evgeny]], WebArchive version
   * [[http://frepm.sourceforge.net|FreePM on SourceForge]] Forum and code repository   * [[http://frepm.sourceforge.net|FreePM on SourceForge]] Forum and code repository
-  * [[en:docs:pm:index|Documentation]] on PM implementation based on FreePM +  * [[en:docs:os2:pm:index|Documentation]] on PM implementation based on FreePM 
-  * [[en:docs:freepm:index|Some parts]] of FreePM docs written by Evgeny. +  * [[en:docs:os2:freepm:index|Some parts]] of FreePM docs written by Evgeny.
- +
-=== Graphical Program Interface (GPI) === +
- +
-The GPI ((Graphical Program Interface)) is the graphical engine of Presentation Manager. It is  based on PM GRE ((Graphics Runtime Engine)). The GPI/GRE is the counterparts of Windows GDI. The GPI/GRE pair is designed as an enhanced version of Windows Graphics Engine. Contrary to Windows, they are decomposed to two layers. The GPI is the high-level layer. +
- +
-The Windows programs API's operate directly on DC ((Device Context)). OS/2 PM is redesigned, so Programs operate on PS ((Presentation Space)), not the DC. The DC is something related to the instance of graphics device (the video screen, a window or printer).  +
- +
-The PS is a higher level abstraction. It can be treated as a canvas in other graphics libraries. It maintain such things as current background/foreground color, a palette, a brush shape, a current font etc. Also, the PS can be associated/deassociated to/from the DC, or migrate from one DC to another. This gives a flexibility to graphics API. +
- +
-The GPI functions have the "Gpi" prefix and reside in PMGPI.DLL. They are buillt on top of GRE functions.  +
- +
-=== Graphics Runtime Environment (OS/2 PM GRE) and Presentation Drivers === +
- +
-The GRE is a low-level graphics API which operates DC's. It handles all kinds of graphics deviices like video cards and printers. +
- +
-The GPI contains an array of pointers called the Dispatch Table. This table stores pointers to the most lowlevel GRE functrions.  +
- +
-The graphics device drivers are called also "presentation drivers". The presentation drivers get an instance of Dispatch Table, and hook in GRE by installing their own functions pointers in the Dispatch Table, and preserving the old ones. +
- +
-=== The GRADD model === +
- +
-=== Video Protected Mode Interface (PMI) === +
- +
-==== VIO/KBD/MOU (Console API) ==== +
- +
-=== VIO and BVH's (Base Video Handlers) === +
- +
-==== Framebuffer Interface ==== +
- +
-=== Virtual Framebuffer over GRADD driver === +
- +
-=== BVH and PM GRE on top of a Framebuffer interface === +
- +
- +
-==== The current osFree PM prototype ==== +