
This is an old revision of the document!

Implementation of the “OS/2 32bit Textmode APIs (Vio/Kbd/Mou)”

A thunk layer to convert the new console APIs (provided with OS/2 for PowerPC) to the existing 16-bit APIs. All restrictions of the existing console support still exist.

Date Version Size Comments
1995-07-12 04:21 18,370 bytes
DLL Entry Points
  1. VioAssociate
  2. VioCheckCharType
  3. VioCreateLogFont
  4. VioCreatePS
  5. VioDeleteSetId
  6. VioDestroyPS
  7. VioEndPopUp
  8. VioGetAnsi
  9. VioGetBuf
  10. VioGetConfig
  11. VioGetCp
  12. VioGetCurPos
  13. VioGetCurType
  14. VioGetDeviceCellSize
  15. VioGetMode
  16. VioGetOrigin
  17. VioGetState
  18. VioModeUndo
  19. VioModeWait
  20. VioPopUp
  21. VioPrtSc
  22. VioPrtScToggle
  23. VioQueryFonts
  24. VioQuerySetIds
  25. VioReadCellStr
  26. VioReadCharStr
  27. VioRedrawSize
  28. VioSaveRedrawUndo
  29. VioSaveRedrawWait
  30. VioScrLock
  31. VioScrollDown
  32. VioScrollLeft
  33. VioScrollRight
  34. VioScrollUp
  35. VioScrUnLock
  36. VioSetAnsi
  37. VioSetCp
  38. VioSetCurPos
  39. VioSetCurType
  40. VioSetDeviceCellSize
  41. VioSetMode
  42. VioSetOrigin
  43. VioSetState
  44. VioShowBuf
  45. VioShowPS
  46. VioWrtCellStr
  47. VioWrtCharStr
  48. VioWrtCharStrAttr
  49. VioWrtNAttr
  50. VioWrtNCell
  51. VioWrtNChar
  52. VioWrtTTY
  53. VioCharWidthUni
  54. VioWrtTTYUni
  55. VioQueryFontsUni
  56. WinDefAVioWindowProc
  57. KbdCharIn
  58. KbdFlushBuffer
  59. KbdGetCp
  60. KbdGetHWID
  61. KbdGetStatus
  62. KbdPeek
  63. KbdSetCp
  64. KbdSetStatus
  65. KbdStringIn
  66. KbdXlate
  67. KbdConvertChar
  68. KbdGetLayout
  69. KbdSetLayout
  70. KbdGetLayoutUni
  71. KbdSetLayoutUni
  72. KbdStringInUni
  73. KbdSetRate
  74. MouDrawPtr
  75. MouGetDevStatus
  76. MouGetEventMask
  77. MouGetNumButtons
  78. MouGetNumMickeys
  79. MouGetNumQueEl
  80. MouGetPtrPos
  81. MouGetPtrShape
  82. MouGetScaleFact
  83. MouReadEventQue
  84. MouRemovePtr
  85. MouSetDevStatus
  86. MouSetEventMask
  87. MouSetPtrPos
  88. MouSetPtrShape
  89. MouSetScaleFact

Text based on http://www.edm2.com/index.php/OS2CHAR2.DLL