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en:ibm:prcp:vio:getcurtype [2016/02/04 10:38] – created valerius
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 +==== VioGetCurType ====
 +**Bindings**: C, MASM 
 +This call returns the cursor type. 
 +//VioGetCurType// (CursorData, VioHandle) 
 +//CursorData// (**PVIOCURSORINFO**) - output 
 +Address of the cursor characteristics structure: 
 +//startline// (**USHORT**) 
 +Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the top line of the cursor. If the character cell has n scan lines, 0 is the top scan line of the character cell and (n-1) is the bottom scan line. 
 +//endline// (**USHORT**) 
 +Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the bottom line of the cursor. Scan lines within a character cell are numbered as defined in startline. 
 +//cursorwidth// (**USHORT**) 
 +Width of the cursor. In text modes, //cursorwidth// is the number of columns. The maximum number supported by the OS/2 base video subsystem is 1. In graphics modes, //cursorwidth// is the number of pels. 
 +//cursorattrib// (**USHORT**) 
 +A value of -1 denotes a hidden cursor, all other values in text mode denote normal cursor and in graphics mode denote color attribute. 
 +//VioHandle// (HVIO) - input 
 +This must be zero unless the caller is a Presentation Manager application, in which case it must be the value returned by [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:getps|VioGetPs]]. 
 +//rc// (**USHORT**) - return 
 +Return code descriptions are: 
 +|0 |NO_ERROR |
 +|355 |ERROR_VIO_MODE |
 +If //CursorStartLine// and //CursorEndLine// were originally specified as percentages on [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setcurtype|VioSetCurType]] (using negative values), the positive values into which they were translated are returned. Refer to [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setcurtype|VioSetCurType]] for more information on how percentages can be used to set //CursorStartLine// and //CursorEndLine// independent of the number of scan lines per character cell. 
 +**Family API Considerations** 
 +In DOS mode, [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:getcurtype|VioGetCurType]] returns only two values for cursorattrib: 0 = visible cursor, and -1 = hidden cursor.