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osFree project

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osFree is a (Free Open Source software) operating system development project, aiming to replace eventually all OS/2 subsystems with Open source analogues. It aims for OS/2 Warp 4 (Merlin) as a base compatibility system, which does not mean that we will not support features of newer (OS/2 Warp Server for e-business and eComStation) OS/2 versions. This includes rewriting not only user-level code but the OS/2 kernel too.

We're collecting existing code for OS/2 subsystems for years. Also we are developing our own bootloader named FreeLdr and OS/2 personality for L4 microkernel, i.e. a number of servers, implementing the Control Program (OS/2 kernel) Interface functionality in userspace. See osFree design and development concept for more details. Visit the Chat Channel on the EFNET

Several projects with similar goals exist (or existed). Here is the brief comparison of goals and tasks of different projects.

Our project is reusing the code of many opensource projects.

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Project News

09 June, 2020

SMTP server now working, anti-spam measures taken.

Recently, we added some anti-spam measures for our forum and mail server. Anti-spam plugin installed on our forum. Now we check all users against the black list when they are registering or posting messages. This reduces the number of spambot accounts registered significantly.

Also, now our SMTP server is able not only receive mail, but send too. Now the mail from our server to other email servers, like e.g. gmail.com, is accepted. So, from now, we enabled verification emails when registering user accounts, and disabled account approving by the administrator. So, registration at the forum is now open.

2020/06/09 10:58 · 1 Comment

15 May, 2020

Today, a new developer joins the osFree team. Let's introduce Pedro Vicente from Portugal. Welcome to our team!

2020/06/09 14:22 · 0 Comments

03 September, 2019

Several people asked about how they could donate to osFree. Recently, we created a Patreon page for osFree to collect donations on monthly basis. So, if you want to support osFree, become a patron. If you want to make a one-time donation, you can transfer some money to our Bitcoin wallet. See Donate page for more details.

2019/09/02 21:34 · 0 Comments

22 December, 2018

Forum migration to pbpbb3.

Today we migrated our forum from myUPB to phpbb3. Also, from now, wiki logins are integrated with forum, so, once you login to wiki, you're logged-in in forum, and vice versa. We migrated all old wiki users, so, login/password are still the same.

2018/12/22 17:55 · 0 Comments

7 June, 2018

Migration to the new hosting.

Today we started migration of osfree.org to another hosting. Here we'll have more powerful server with more disk space, RAM and network bandwidth.

2018/08/16 11:25 · 0 Comments

Github Commit log


We're now at the alpha stage, which means that the current version is not feature-complete nor stable and not recommended for everyday usage. The 0.0.x release series will still stay in alpha stage, and 0.9 release series will be marked as beta, meaning a system which is suitable for every day use.

The next release will be 0.0.5, with an release date being open. See our osFree roadmap for details.