Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: RoverPack_2-70.zip Short Description: The Rover Pack 2.70 (1999-04-07) Long Description: The Rover Pack includes a comprehensive collection of software tools and accessories. They are designed to work with each other and with OS/2's Workplace Shell to give you new ways to navigate and manage your Warp desktop. Shareware. (rover270.zip) Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/util/wps/ Your name: Martin Iturbide Email address: martin@os2world.com Program contact name: Sundial Systems Program contact email: Program URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20050213032346/http://www.sundialsystems.com/rover/ Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 3 or later. Additional requirements: Replaces: