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Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:14 am
by admin
#431 From: Cristiano Guadagnino <criguada@...>
Date: Thu Apr 25, 2002 6:11 pm
Subject: Coding guidelines and progress criguada
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Hi all,
recently there has been much rumour unrelated (or loosely related) to the
This message is to let all know that developing is going on, the CVS is being
updated quite regularly, and the coding guidelines are in their more-or-less
final state.

You can get the current source using CVS:

SET CVSROOT=:pserver:osfree@...:d:/project
password: readonly

You won't be able to submit changes though. To have a read/write account, ask
(nicely ) to JMA.
If you aren't familiar with CVS, please take time to familiarize. I'm using CVS
1.11, and this is the preferred choice (with 1.10.6 being a good second).

I'm including the coding guidelines below, and I'll upload the file in the
files area on Yahoo, for future reference.
I'll upload also Astyle 1.15.3 (see the guidelines).

Here are the guidelines:

The osFree Project Coding Standards

Doxygen 1.2.11 is available on Hobbes.
Astyle 1.13.0 is available on Hobbes.

(Astyle 1.15.3 is available on sourceforge, and it compiles without mods on
EMX v0.9d. It contains several fixes.)

Choose a standard and stick to it. Code should be readable in the first
place. Readable code is preferable to religious adherence to a standard.
We are humans, not machines!

Use a tab indent of 4 chars and make sure to configure your editor
to save spaces instead of hard tabs. Hard tabs are evil because there is
no single standard.

Using Astyle on source code before submitting it to the repository is a
good idea (see below for the setup).

We will use Doxygen to generate documentation but please don't create
excessive internal comments. Code that is easy to read will be easy to
maintain and is preferable to overly complex structure.

If you insert too many comments it will become difficult to follow the code.

These guidelines should be helpful:

- Extensive comments are good to describe a function purpose, its
parameters, etc, and should be inserted right before the function
_definition_ (i.e. in the source, not the header).

- Data types should instead be documented in the header files.

- Before function declaration you should insert a short comment
summarizing the purpose.

- Apart from the long winded comment before function definition,
keep your comments one or two lines long, either before the line
of code, or to the right of the line.

- We will be using CVS, hence there is no need to insert a marker for
changes. Anyone can see who changed a line (and why) using CVS tools.

- If you need to insert large pieces of documentation, remember that
Doxygen allows external links.

Please read the Doxygen manual, at least the introduction.

For Doxygen comments the following formats are recommended:

(long format)

(short format)

(short format for comments to the right of the code)

Naming conventions for variables should match those used in IBM's OS/2
Toolkit and associated documentation. It is assumed that all prospective
osFree programmers are well acquainted with these conventions.

Note: it's not necessary that _every_ single variable be named according
to the convention. If you use a temporary variable for a short code
routine, there is no necessity to adhere to the convention. Typical
examples are counters, indexes used in loops. But keep in mind that
code should be readable, so don't use vast amounts of single-letter
variables. Again, using common sense is advisable.

If you use long, descriptive variable names, it might be a good idea to
separate words with underscores rather than using exotic capitalizations
to make them understandable.

Regarding CVS, a good rule of thumb when writing the log messages is:
don't say _what_ you changed because anyone can easily see it through
a simple diff. Instead, say _why_ you changed something.

In general: remember that other people will need to read (and perhaps
modify!) your code. Don't use an exotic or too "personal" coding style.


Doxygen template configuration file:

PROJECT_NAME = "prjname"

Put this statements in a file, name it accordingly (e.g. tree.dxy for the
tree CLI utility) and copy it where the source files are. Then invoke
Doxygen like this:

doxygen prjname.dxy

and the documentation will be created in the "html" subdirectory.


Astyle parameters:


Put these parameters in a file named .astylerc, and copy this file in your
%HOME% directory.

Note that this setup is not completely satisfactory. While it produce a good
output, it doesn't support aligning of comment to the right of the code.
You may want to realign comments after Astyle's work.

+--------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------+

Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:15 am
by admin
#432 From:
Date: Thu Apr 25, 2002 6:20 pm
Subject: New file uploaded to osFree
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This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the osFree

File : /
Uploaded by : criguada <criguada@...>
Description : Astyle 1.15.3 for OS/2. C/C++ formatter/beautifier.

You can access this file at the URL ...

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


criguada <criguada@...>

Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:16 am
by admin
#433 From:
Date: Thu Apr 25, 2002 6:22 pm
Subject: New file uploaded to osFree
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This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the osFree

File : /coding.txt
Uploaded by : criguada <criguada@...>
Description : The osFree Project Coding Standards

You can access this file at the URL

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


criguada <criguada@...>

Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:16 am
by admin
#434 From: "criguada@..." <criguada@...>
Date: Fri May 10, 2002 7:04 pm
Subject: Re: New checkins criguada
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Hi Bart,

> updated commands format, chkdsk, recover, sysinstx
> moved oso*.txt to allshareden
> moved few functons to all_*

I see. BTW, you didn't remove the oso*.txt files from the original
srccmdshared. Is there a reason for this, or did you forget to do it?



Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:17 am
by admin
#435 From: "dwgras" <dwgras@...>
Date: Sat May 11, 2002 3:25 am
Subject: Maybe something of interest dwgras
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Here is a site which talks about designing an operating system.


Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:17 am
by admin
#436 From: "Bartosz Tomasik (Bart/2)" <bart2@...>
Date: Sat May 11, 2002 11:51 am
Subject: Re: Re: New checkins ihsiatko
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On Fri, 10 May 2002 17:04:09 +0200, criguada@... wrote:

>I see. BTW, you didn't remove the oso*.txt files from the original
>srccmdshared. Is there a reason for this, or did you forget to do it?

I did.. I thought I did...

Bart/2 irc:Ihsahn Bart2@... UIN:50890586
Asu'a Programmers Group
TeamOS/2 Polska

Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:17 am
by admin
#437 From:
Date: Sat May 25, 2002 10:24 am
Subject: New file uploaded to osFree
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This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the osFree

File : / Click Here!
Uploaded by : lillyboberson <lillyboberson@...>
Description : Look at all these different credit cards you can get! Good, bad,
or no credit.

You can access this file at the URL ... %20Here%21

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit


lillyboberson <lillyboberson@...>

Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:18 am
by admin
#438 From: "tomleem7659" <jerseywarp@...>
Date: Fri May 31, 2002 9:30 pm
Subject: Re: Maybe something of interest tomleem7659
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--- In osFree@y..., "dwgras" <dwgras@s...> wrote:
> Here is a site which talks about designing an operating system.
> David

Even though the site was last updated 12-13-1998, it
is still quite interesting.


Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:18 am
by admin
#439 From: "tomleem7659" <jerseywarp@...>
Date: Mon Jun 3, 2002 9:35 pm
Subject: Re: Maybe something of interest tomleem7659
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--- In osFree@y..., "dwgras" <dwgras@s...> wrote:
> Here is a site which talks about designing an operating system.
> David

Did you bookmark this so others can see it without
having to search for it?


Re: Part 15

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:19 am
by admin
#440 From: "JMA" <mail@...>
Date: Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:33 pm
Subject: Website updated mailjmase
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Hi all !

The website ( has at last been updated.

Its for from complete but its better (less worse)

Personally I have had lots to do with work and upon that
I'm moving (next monday) and I'm having my third child in
lthree weeks.
So, it has take me a while to get the website updated...

Please check out the CVS site if you are interested in
participating in the development.


Development and Consulting

John Martin , jma@...
email: mail@...
Phone: 46-(0)70-6278410