{{page>en:templates:dosint}} ====== Int 21H, AH=44H, AL=0AH ====== ===== Version ===== 3.1 and higher ===== Brief ===== CHECK IF HANDLE IS REMOTE ===== Family API ===== ===== Input ===== AX = 440Ah BX = handle ===== Return ===== CF clear if successful DX = attribute word (as stored in SFT) bit 15: set if remote bit 14: date/time not set on close CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) ===== Macro ===== ===== Notes ===== if file is remote, Novell Advanced NetWare 2.0 returns the number of the file server on which the handle is located in CX DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 clear all bits of DX except bit 15; Novell DOS 7 fully supports this function this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus ===== See also ===== AX=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:44:00|4400h]],AX=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:44:09|4409h]],AH=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:52|52h]],INT 2F/AX=122Bh ===== Note ===== Text based on [[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ralf/files.html|Ralf Brown Interrupt List Release 61]] {{page>en:templates:int}} {{page>en:templates:fapi}}