[Q]: Как отключить GIF-animation в NN/2? [A]: Serguei Trouchelle (2:464/4077.101) Кpаткий пеpевод. Взять hiew, найти NETSCAPE2.0 и ANIMEXTS1.0 в netscape.exe и заменить точки на запятые. Вся анимация будет останавливаться после одного обоpота. Что есть pулес ;) * Forwarded (from: VIDRADA.COMP.OS.OS2.APPS) by serguei trouchelle * Originally from Jerry McBride (2:464/4077.128) to Martin Bartelds. * Original dated: Tue Oct 12, 19:40 I JUST READ THIS TIP in comp.os2.beta and it WORKS! On my netscape 4.61ga, strong encryption, I used a binary editor (HEXED/2 from Hobbes) and searched for the string "NETSCAPE2.0" (minus the quotes) I changed the "." to a "," and then next to that string there's a "ANIMEXTS1." and I changed the "1" to a "2". Now when I'm browsing online and one of those PESKY animated graphics pops up, it run's once though then stops DEAD! No more wasted cpu on a crummy graphic I didn't want in the first place! YAHHHoooo!!! Your listed URL's now only display pictures! Not the cpu hogging movies they call advertizment! Here's the entire posted message I read on comp.os2.beta... - --- quote --- > Now there's something I'd very much like to see in Netscape > preferences. The ability to turn off wiggle graphics and NOT get > piles of error messages!!!!!!! To make gif animations stop after one cycle, read this page: http://simmons.starkville.ms.us/tips/081097/ In short, search for NETSCAPE2.0 and for ANIMEXTS1.0 and change them to be something else - I just changed the . to a , (in netscape.exe). -Ariel PS. Use a binary safe editor. - --- end quote ---