[Q]: Имеется видюшка ATI c 8 мегами. Проблемы с загрузкой оси. [A]: George Shapovalov (2:5020/341.26) === Hачало Ati.Bug === ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. CUSTOMER SUPPORT Ref ID: 2573 ATInfo-BASE --------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information applies to IBM OS/2 WARP 4.0 TOPIC: HANGS BOOTING OS/2 WARP 4.0 USING A 3D RAGE II WITH 8MB SGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT: 3D PRO TURBO PC2TV 8MB --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: System hangs loading OS/2 WARP 4.0 with a 8MB 3D RAGE PRO TURBO installed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION: The following procedure will enable you to use the 3D PRO TURBO 8MB card with OS/2 WARP 4.0. 1. Remove the memory module from your 3D PRO TURBO card. 2. Boot to VGA display mode using the following procedure, During the OS/2 Warp boot process, pressing ALT-F1 when the block cursor appears in the upper left hand corner will display a boot menu. Selecting "v" will boot OS/2 WARP in VGA display mode. 3. Uninstall and re-install the 3.1 OS/2 display drivers. 4. Shutdown OS/2 WARP. 5. Re-install the memory module onto your 3D PRO TURBO card. 6. Restart OS/2 WARP. ! You should be able to access all display modes up to 1280x1024 at 16.7 million colors. Note: This issue is currently under investigation and will, hopefully, be resolved with the next release of the OS/2 display driver. ** For more information contact ATI Customer Support and ** reference ATInfo-BASE file: 2573 ===================================================================== All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers ===================================================================== === Конец Ati.Bug ===