
This function adds a name to the currently active sharing set.

Calling Sequence

int far pascal FSH_ADDSHARE(pName, mode, hVPB, phShare)
char far * pName;
unsigned short mode;
unsigned short hVPB;
unsigned long far * phShare;


pName is a pointer to the ASCIIZ name to be added into the share set.

The name must be in canonical form: no '.' or '..' components, uppercase, no meta characters, and full path name specified.

mode is the sharing mode and access mode as defined in the DosOpen API. All other bits (direct open, write-through, etc.) must be zero.

hVPB is the handle to the volume where the named object is presumed to exist.

phShare is the pointer to the location where a share handle is stored. This handle may be passed to FSH_REMOVESHARE.

pName is a pointer to the ASCIIZ name to be added into the share set.

The name must be in canonical form: no '.' or '..' components, uppercase, no meta characters, and full path name specified.

mode is the sharing mode and access mode as defined in the DosOpen API. All other bits (direct open, write-through, etc.) must be zero.

hVPB is the handle to the volume where the named object is presumed to exist.

phShare is the pointer to the location where a share handle is stored. This handle may be passed to FSH_REMOVESHARE.


If no error is detected, a zero error code is returned. If an error is detected, one of the following error codes is returned:


Do not call FSH_ADDSHARE for character devices.

FSH_ADDSHARE may block.

Note: OS/2 does not validate input parameters. Therefore, an FSD should call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate.