
This function converts a path name to a canonical form by processing '.'s and '..'s, uppercasing, and prepending the current directory to non-absolute paths.

Calling Sequence

int far pascal FSH_CANONICALIZE(pPathName, cbPathBuf, pPathBuf, pFlags)
char far * pPathName;
unsigned short cbPathBuf;
char far * pPathBuf;
unsigned short far * pFlags;


pPathName is a pointer to the ASCIIZ path name to be canonicalized.

cbPathBuf is the length of path name buffer.

pPathBuf is the pointer to the buffer into which to copy the canonicalized path.

pFlags is the pointer to flags returned to the FSD.

Flags == 0x0040 indicates a non-8.3 filename format. All other values are reserved.


If no error is detected, a zero error code is returned. If an error is detected, one of the following error codes is returned:


This routine processes DBCS characters properly.

The FSD is responsible for verifying the string pointers and checking for segment boundaries.

FSH_CANONICALIZE should be called for names passed into the FSD raw data packets. For example, names passed to FS_FSCTL in the parameter area should be passed to FSH_CANONICALIZE. This routine does not need to be called for explicit names passed to the FSD, that is, the name passed to FS_OPENCREATE.

If the canonicalized name is being created as a file or directory, the non-8.3 attribute in the directory entry should be set according to the value returned in pFlags.

Note: OS/2 does not validate input parameters. Therefore, an FSD should call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate.