
This function allows an FSD to retrieve file-system-independent and file-system-dependent data from a VPB. Since the FS router passes in a VPB handle, individual FSDs need to map the handle into pointers to the relevant portions.

Calling Sequence

void far pascal FSH_GETVOLPARM(hVPB, ppVPBfsi, ppVPBfsd)
unsigned short hVPB;
struc vpfsi far * far * ppVPBfsi;
struc vpfsd far * far * ppVPBfsd;


hVPB is the volume handle of interest.

ppVPBfsi indicates the location where the pointer to file-system-independent data is stored.

ppVPBfsd indicates the location where the pointer to file-system-dependent data is stored.


There are no error returns.


FSH_GETVOLPARM will not block.

Note: OS/2 does not validate input parameters. An FSD, therefore, should call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate.