
This function signals an internal error.

Calling Sequence

void far pascal FSH_INTERR(pMsg, cbMsg)
char far * pMsg;
unsigned short cbMsg;


pMsg is a pointer to the message text.

cbMsg is the length of the message text.


There are no error returns.


For reliability, if an FSD detects an internal inconsistency during normal operation, the FSD shuts down the system as a whole. This is the safest thing to do since it is not clear if the system as a whole is in a state that allows normal execution to continue.

When an FSD calls FSH_INTERR, the address of the caller and the supplied message is displayed on the console. The system then halts.

The code used to display the message is primitive. The message should contain ASCII characters in the range 0x20-0x7E, optionally with 0x0D and 0x0A to break the text into multiple lines.

The FSD must preface all such messages with the name of the file system.

The maximum message length is 512 characters. Messages longer than this are truncated.

Note: OS/2 does not validate input parameters. An FSD, therefore, should call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate.