
This call allows an FSD to retrieve the full path name for an object to which an SFN refers.

Calling Sequence

int far pascal FSH_NAMEFROMSFN(sfn, pName, pcbName)
unsigned short sfn;
char far * pName;
unsigned short far * pcbName;


sfn is the system file number of a file instance, obtained from the sfi_selfsfn field of the file-system-independent part of the SFT for the object.

pName is the location of where the returned full path name is to be stored.

pcbName is the location of where the FSD places the size of the buffer pointed to by pName. On return, the kernel will fill this in with the length of the path name. This length does not include the terminating null character. The size of the buffer should be long enough to hold the full path name, or else an error will be returned.


If no error is detected, a zero error code is returned. If an error is detected, one of the following error codes is returned:


FSH_NAMEFROMSFN will not block.

Note: OS/2 does not validate input parameters; the FSD should call FSH_PROBEBUF where appropriate.