Time Stamping

All time stamps on files are stamped and propagated to other SFTs when the file is closed or committed (flushed). If a file is opened at time 1, written to at time 2, and closed at time 3, the last write time will be time 3. Subdirectories only have creation time stamps.

The sfi_tstamp field of the file instance structure sffsi contains six flags:

Name Value Description
ST_SCREAT 1 stamp creation time
ST_PCREAT 2 propagate creation time
ST_SWRITE 4 stamp last write time
ST_PWRITE 8 propagate last write time
ST_SREAD 16 stamp last read time
ST_PREAD 32 propagate last read time

These flags are cleared when an SFT is created, and some of them may eventually be set by a file system worker routine. They are examined when the file is closed or flushed.

For each time stamp, there are three meaningful actions:

ST_Sxxx ST_Pxxx Action
clear clear don't do anything
set set stamp and propagate (to other SFTs and disk)
clear set don't stamp, but propagate existing value