
Returns or sets information for a file system device.

Calling Sequence

int far pascal FS_FSINFO(flag, hVPB, pData, cbData, level)
unsigned short flag;
unsigned short hVPB;
char far * pData;
unsigned short cbData;
unsigned short level;


flag indicates retrieval or setting of information.
flag == 0 indicates retrieving information.
flag == 1 indicates setting information on the media.
All other values are reserved.

hVPB is the handle to the volume of interest.

pData is the address of the application output data area.

Addressing of this data area has not been validated by the kernel (see (FSH_PROBEBUF).

cbData is the length of the application data area.

For flag == 0, this is the length of the data the application wishes to retrieve. If there is not enough room for the entire level of data to be returned, the FSD will return a BUFFER OVERFLOW error. For flag == 1, this is the length of the data to be sent to the file system.

level is the information level to be returned.

Level selects among a series of structures of data to be returned or set. See DosQFSInfo and DosSetFSInfo for information.

