[Q]: Библиотеки для программирования на Rexx

[A]: Sergey Shikov (2:5020/157.108)

Для начала - ydbautil. IMHO наиболее полная библиотека того, чего в REXX обычно недостает с начала работы. В настоящее время я пользуюсь Release 1.8.

Вторая библиотека - rxasync, предназначена для работы с COM-портами. Полный набор функций низкого уровня, т.е. без протоколов, упаковки, модемов.

Rxsocket - набор функций для работы с TCP/IP из REXX.

Rxipc - Inter Process Communication для REXX. Перекрывается возможностями ydbautil. Более подробно сказать что-либо сложно.

EPMBBS - пакет для написания макро к EPM на REXX и собственном макроязыке EPM-а.

Есть еще библиотеки, позволяющие использовать некоторый набор controls в PM-программах из REXX, обычно Message Box, Input Line с кнопками Ok и Cancel, List Box и т.п. Hо для такого случая, IMHO лучше VX-REXX не придумать.

Вот список функций, которые имеются в ydbautil:

 Function Package utility functions
 RxYdbaUtilInit        - Register all YDBAUTIL Rexx functions
 RxYdbaUtilTerm        - De-Register all YDBAUTIL Rexx functions
 RxYdbaUtilQuery       - Query function package version and available
                         external function entry point names
 UPM/Net Related
 RxUpm                 - Rexx interface to UPM
 RxNet                 - Rexx interface to certain NET calls
                         (also some UPM-related calls)
 System-Info related
 RxProcId              - Get process' own PID and TID information
 RxGetInfoBlocks       - Get information about current process/thread
 RxQueryAppType        - Get information about an executable file
 RxQuerySysInfo        - Invoke DosQuerySysInfo
 RxQProcStatus         - Obtain Process Status Information (like PSTAT)
 RxSetError            - Set DosError settings (enable/disable HardError
                         and Exception popups)
 RxReplaceModule       - Replace an active .DLL or .EXE file
 RxExitList            - Use DosExitList
 RxDevConfig           - Obtain device configuration information
 RxDevIOCtl            - Do DosDevIOCtl calls (to talk to character devices 
 Rexx programming and debugging functions
 RxVlist               - List, manipulate Rexx variable pool
 RxGlobalVar           - Put,Get,Delete system-wide global variables
 RxScount              - Count strings (needle) in another string (haystack)
 RxPmPrintf            - Write lines to a PMPrintf Monitor
 RxCallInStore         - Execute a string as a program
 RxTokenize            - Tokenize ("Compile") a program string
 RxPullQueue           - Pull items from any Rexx data queue
 RxAddQueue            - Add items to any Rexx data queue
 RxQueued              - Query number of items on any Rexx data queue
 RxQExists             - Query existence of a Rexx Queue
 RxSearchPath          - Find a file in a path
 RxRegisterFunctionExe - Use "RexxRegisterFunctionExe()"
 RxRegisterExitDll     - Use "RexxRegisterExitDll()"
 RxRegisterExitExe     - Use "RexxRegisterExitExe()"
 RxQueryExit           - Use "RexxQueryExit()"
 RxDeregisterExit      - Use "RexxDeregisterExit()"
 I/O related
 RxRsoe2f              - Redirect StdOut/StdErr to a file (by file name)
 RxRsoe2q              - Redirect StdOut/StdErr to a rexx queue 
                         (by queue name)
 RxSoSe2H              - Redirect StdOut/StdErr to a file (by file handle)
 RxSi2H                - Redirect StdIn from a file (by file handle)
 RxRSi2F               - Redirect StdIn from a file (by file name)
 RxOpen                - Open a file (with full DosOpen capabilities)
 RxRead                - Read data from a file handle
 RxWrite               - Write data to a file handle
 RxCloseH              - Close a file handle
 RxExecI               - Read data into a Rexx queue or stem from a file
 RxExecO               - Write data from a Rexx queue or stem to a file
 RxVioPopUp            - Start a VioPopUp display screen
 RxVioEndPopUp         - Close a VioPopUp display screen
 RxVioWrtCharStrAtt    - Write characters to a VioPopUp display screen
 RxKbCharIn            - Get a character from a VioPopUp display screen
 RxDupHandle           - Do a "DosDupHandle()"
 RxSetFHState          - Set file handle state
 RxQueryFHState        - Query file handle state
 OS/2 Pipes
 RxCreateNPipe         - Create a named pipe
 RxConnectNPipe        - Connect to a named pipe
 RxDisConnectNPipe     - Disconnect from a named pipe
 RxCreatePipe          - Create an un-named pipe
 RxDestroyPipe         - Destroy a pipe
 OS/2 Queues
 RxCreateQueue         - DosCreateQueue
 RxOpenQueue           - DosOpenQueue
 RxPeekQueue           - DosPeekQueue
 RxReadQueue           - DosReadQueue
 RxWriteQueue          - DosWriteQueue
 RxPurgeQueue          - DosPurgeQueue
 RxQueryQueue          - DosQueryQueue
 RxCloseQueue          - DosCloseQueue
 RxReadQueueStr        - Returns data from de-referenced queue pointer
 NetBios information
 RxNbSessionStatus     - Obtain NETBIOS session status information
 Tasking, threads, etc.
 RxSetPriority         - Set the priority of processes or threads
           Process - Related
 RxKillProcess         - Kill an OS/2 process by process-id
 RxExecPgm             - Execute a program using DosExecPgm
 RxWaitChild           - Wait for a child process to end
 RxStartSession        - Start a program in another session 
 RxStartRexxSession    - Start a Rexx program in another session
 RxDetachRexxPgm       - Detach a Rexx program
           Thread - Related
 RxCreateRexxThread    - Execute a Rexx program on another thread
 RxCreateThread        - Call a procedure address on another thread
 RxKillThread          - Kill a thread by thread-id
 RxResumeThread        - Resume thread execution by thread-id
 RxSuspendThread       - Suspend thread execution by thread-id
 RxCallEntryPoint      - Call a (non-Rexx) routine by entry point address
 OS/2 Memory managment
 RxStructMap           - Generate a structure map for RxStruct2Stem()
 RxStruct2Stem         - Map structure elements into a stem
 RxStem2Struct         - Map a stem into structure elements
 RxStorage             - Query/Alter storage by address
 RxAdd2Ptr             - Pointer Arithmetic (Add/Subtract)
 RxThunkAddr           - Thunk an address Flat->Segmented, Segmented->Flat
 RxAllocMem            - Allocate Memory
 RxFreeMem             - Free Memory
 RxAllocSharedMem      - Allocated Shared memory (named or un-named)
 RxGetSharedMem        - Get (gettable) shared memory
 RxGiveSharedMem       - Give (giveable) shared memory
 RxGetNamedSharedMem   - Get named shared memory
 RxSetMem              - Set memory attributes
 RxQueryMem            - Query memory attributes
 RxSubAllocMem         - Suballocate memory
 RxSubFreeMem          - Free suballocated memory
 RxSubSetMem           - Set memory for suballocation
 RxSubUnsetMem         - Unset previously "SubSet" memory
 OS/2 Semaphores
            Event Semaphore
 RxCreateEventSem      - Create an event semaphore
 RxCloseEventSem       - Close an event semaphore
 RxOpenEventSem        - Open an event semaphore
 RxPostEventSem        - Post an event semaphore
 RxQueryEventSem       - Query an event semaphore
 RxResetEventSem       - Reset an event semaphore
 RxWaitEventSem        - Wait on an event semaphore
            Mutex Semaphore
 RxCreateMutexSem      - Create a Mutex semaphore
 RxOpenMutexSem        - Invoke DosOpenMutexSem
 RxCloseMutexSem       - Invoke DosCloseMutexSem
 RxQueryMutexSem       - Invoke DosQueryMutexSem
 RxReleaseMutexSem     - Invoke DosReleaseMutexSem
 RxRequestMutexSem     - Invoke DosRequestMutexSem
            MuxWait Semaphore
 RxCreateMuxWaitSem    - Invoke DosCreateMuxWaitSem
 RxCloseMuxWaitSem     - Invoke DosCloseMuxWaitSem
 RxOpenMuxWaitSem      - Invoke DosOpenMuxWaitSem
 RxWaitMuxWaitSem      - Invoke DosWaitMuxWaitSem
 RxAddMuxWaitSem       - Invoke DosAddMuxWaitSem
 RxDeleteMuxWaitSem    - Invoke DosDeleteMuxWaitSem
 RxQueryMuxWaitSem     - Invoke DosQueryMuxWaitSem
 DLL Handling
 RxLoadModule          - Load a DLL
 RxFreeModule          - Free a DLL
 RxQueryModuleName     - Query the fully qualified name of a DLL (by handle)
 RxQueryModuleHandle   - Query the module handle of a DLL (by name)
 RxQueryProcType       - Query the addressing mode of an entry point in a DLL
 RxQueryProcAddr       - Query the procedure address of an entry point in 
                         a DLL
 Rexx Macro Space Handling
 RxAddMacro            - Add a particular Macro Space function
 RxDropMacro           - Drop a particular Macro Space function
 RxClearMacroSpace     - Clear the Rexx Macro Space
 RxSaveMacroSpace      - Save a particular Macro Space function to a file
 RxLoadMacroSpace      - Load a particular Macro Space function from a file
 RxQueryMacro          - Query the position of a particular Macro Space
 RxReorderMacro        - Reorder a function's position in a Macro Space
 PM / Wp related functions
 RxWinQueryObject      - Query object handle of a WP object
 RxWinDestroyObject    - Destroy a WP object

[A]: Valera Kolesnik (2:451/31)

Из RXU v1.a help:

Starting with this version of the RXU function package, all the pieces of the package will have the name RXU (no longer any references to YDBAUTIL).