
mini-FSD Helper Routines

The following table summaries the mini-FSD Helper Routines: 

 FSD Helper           Description
 MFSH_CALLRM          Put machine in real mode
 MFSH_DOVOLIO         Read sectors
 MFSH_INTERR          Internal error
 MFSH_LOCK            Lock segment
 MFSH_PHYSTOVIRT      Convert physical to virtual address
 MFSH_SEGALLOC        Allocate a segment
 MFSH_SEGFREE         Free a segment
 MFSH_SEGREALLOC      Change segment size
 MFSH_SETBOOTDRIVE    Change boot drive number kept by the OS/2 kernel
 MFSH_UNLOCK          Unlock a segment
 MFSH_UNPHYSTOVIRT    Mark completion of use of virtual address
 MFSH_VIRT2PHYS       Convert virtual to physical address
 MFSH_SYSCTL          Do additional system controls

Table 4-2. Summary of mini-FSD Helpers   

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs