
Batch File Commands

Several CMD.EXE commands are particularly suited to batch file processing. 
Here is a list of some of the commands you might find most useful: 
        ACTIVATE    activates another window. 
        BEEP        produces a sound of any pitch and duration through the 
                    computer's speaker. 
        CALL        executes one batch file from within another. 
        CANCEL      terminates all batch file processing. 
        CLS and COLORset the screen display colors. 
        DO          starts a loop.  The loop can be based on a counter, or 
                    on a conditional test like those used in IF and IFF. 
        DRAWBOX     draws a box on the screen. 
        DRAWHLINE DRAWVLINEdraw horizontal and vertical lines on the 
        ECHO and ECHOSprint text on the screen (the text can also be 
                    redirected to a file or device).  ECHOERR and ECHOSERR 
                    print text to the standard error device. 
        GOSUB       executes a subroutine inside a batch file.  The RETURN 
                    command terminates the subroutine. 
        GOTO        branches to a different location in the batch file. 
        FOR         executes commands for each file that matches a set of 
                    wildcards, or each entry in a list. 
        IF and IFF  execute commands based on a test of string or numeric 
                    values, program exit codes, or other conditions. 
        INKEY and INPUTcollect keyboard input from the user and store it 
                    in environment variables. 
        KEYSTACK    sends keystrokes to applications. 
        LOADBTM     changes the batch file operating mode. 
        ON          initializes error handling for Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Break, or 
                    for program and command errors. 
        PAUSE       displays a message and waits for the user to press a 
        QUIT        ends the current batch file and optionally returns an 
                    exit code. 
        REM         places a remark in a batch file. 
        SCREEN      positions the cursor on the screen and optionally 
                    prints a message at the new location. 
        SCRPUT      displays a message in color. 
        SETLOCAL    saves the current disk drive, default directory, 
                    environment, alias list, and special character 
                    settings.  ENDLOCAL restores the settings that were 
        SHIFT       changes the numbering of the batch file parameters. 
        START       starts another session or window in certain 
                    multitasking environments. 
        SWITCH      selects a group of statements to execute based on the 
                    value of a variable. 
        TEXT        displays a block of text.  ENDTEXT ends the block. 
        TIMER       starts or reads a stopwatch. 
        TITLE       changes the window title. 
        VSCRPUT     displays a vertical message in color. 
 These commands, along with the internal variables and variable functions, 
 make the enhanced batch file language extremely powerful.  Your copy of 
 CMD.EXE includes a sample batch file, in the file EXAMPLES.BTM, that 
 demonstrates some of the things you can do with batch files. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs