
FS Service Routines

The following table summarizes the entry points that make up the interface 
between the kernel and the FSD. 
Note:  Names must be in all upper case, as required by OS/2 naming 

 FS Entry Point       Description                         FSDs Required
                                                          to export
 FS_ALLOCATEPAGESPACE Adjust the size of paging file      PAGE I/O
 FS_ATTACH            Attach to an FSD                    ALL
 FS_CANCELLOCKREQUEST Cancel file record lock request     FILE I/O
 FS_CANCELLOCKREQUESTL Cancel file record lock request     FILE I/O
 FS_CHDIR             Change/Verify directory path        ALL
 FS_CHGFILEPTR        Move a file's position pointer      ALL
 FS_CHGFILEPTRL       Move a file's position pointer      ALL
 FS_CLOSE             Release a file handle               ALL
 FS_COMMIT            Flush a file's buffer to disk       ALL
 FS_COPY              Copy a file                         ALL
 FS_DELETE            Delete a file                       ALL
 FS_DOPAGEIO          Perform paging I/O operations       PAGE I/O
 FS_EXIT              End of a process cleanup            ALL
 FS_FILEATTRIBUTE     Query/Set file's attributes         ALL
 FS_FILEINFO          Query/Set file's information        ALL
 FS_FILEIO            Multi-function file I/O             ALL
 FS_FILELOCKS         Request a file record lock/unlock   FILE I/O
 FS_FILELOCKSL        Request a file record lock/unlock   FILE I/O
 FS_FINDCLOSE         Directory search close              ALL
 FS_FINDFIRST         Find first matching filename(s)     ALL
 FS_FINDFROMNAME      Find matching filename from name    ALL
 FS_FINDNEXT          Find next matching filename         ALL
 FS_FINDNOTIFYCLOSE   Close FindNotify handle             ALL
 FS_FINDNOTIFYFIRST   Monitor a directory for changes     ALL
 FS_FINDNOTIFYNEXT    Resume reporting directory changes  ALL
 FS_FLUSHBUF          Commit file buffers to disk         ALL
 FS_FSCTL             File system control                 ALL
 FS_FSINFO            Query/Set file system information   ALL
 FS_INIT              FSD initialization                  ALL
 FS_IOCTL             I/O device control                  ALL
 FS_MKDIR             Make a directory                    ALL
 FS_MOUNT             Mount/unmount volumes               ALL
 FS_MOVE              Move a file or subdirectory         ALL
 FS_NEWSIZE           Change a file's logical size        ALL
 FS_NEWSIZEL          Change a file's logical size        ALL
 FS_NMPIPE            Do a named pipe operation           ALL
 FS_OPENCREATE        Open/create/replace files           ALL
 FS_OPENPAGEFILE      Create paging file and handle       PAGE I/O
 FS_PATHINFO          Query/Set a file's information      ALL
 FS_PROCESSNAME       FSD unique name canonicalization    ALL
 FS_READ              Read data from a file               ALL
 FS_RMDIR             Remove a subdirectory               ALL
 FS_SETSWAP           Notification of swapfile ownership  ALL
 FS_SHUTDOWN          Shutdown file system                ALL
 FS_VERIFYUNCNAME     Verify UNC server ownership         UNC
 FS_WRITE             Write data to a file                ALL
 FS32_READ            Read data from a file               ALL
 FS32_READFILEATCACHE Read file from cache                ALL
 FS32_RETURNFILECACHE Return file cache                   ALL
 FS32_CHGFILEPTR      Move a file's position pointer      ALL
 FS32_CHGFILEPTRL     Move a file's position pointer      ALL
 FS32_WRITE           Write data to a file                ALL

Each FS entry point has a distinct parameter list composed of those 
parameters needed by that particular entry. Parameters include: 
oFile pathname 
oCurrent disk/directory information 
oOpen file information 
oApplication data buffers 
oDescriptions of file extended attributes 
oOther parameters specific to an individual call 
Most of the FS entry points have a level parameter for specifying the 
level of information they are provided or have to supply. FSDs must 
provide for additional levels which may be added in future versions of 
OS/2 by returning ERROR_NOT_ SUPPORTED for any level they do not 
File system drivers which support hierarchical directory structures must 
use '\' and '/' as path name component separators. File system drivers 
which do not support hierarchical directory structures must reject as 
illegal any use of '\' or '/' in path names. The file names '.' and '..' 
are reserved for use in hierarchical directory structures for the current 
directory and the parent of the current directory, respectively. 
Unless otherwise specified in the descriptions below, data buffers may be 
accessed without concern for the accessibility of the data. OS/2 will 
either check buffers for accessibility and lock them, or transfer them 
into locally accessible data areas. 
Simple parameters will be verified by the IFS router before the FS service 
routine is called. 
Note:  New with 2.0, some entry points need only be exported and supported 
by those FSDs which desire to service the pager (PAGE I/0), UNC servers 
(UNC) and/or file locking (FILE I/O). With these new entry point groups, a 
FSD must export all or none of the entry points within a particular group. 

These optional entry points are: 

FS_DOPAGEIO             (PAGE I/O)
FS_FILELOCKS            (FILE I/O)

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs